Evil Campaign 1: Scenario 3 - "Steadwick's Fall" Objective: Capture the city of Steadwick within three months.
Starting notes: You get to use the eight best heroes from one of your previous two scenarios. Bonuses for starting hero
(you can pick one): Starting towns: One inferno, one dungeon, and one castle Starting resources: 20W, 10M, 20O, 10S, 10C, 10Ge, 20000G Other towns: Nothing underground. On the surface, there are five towns you can capture, not including Steadwick. The two closest to you are a rampart town directly north of your inferno town and a castle town to the west, just before the magic garrison on the map. There is a tower town in the far southwest corner of the map, and a castle town about two days ride east of that (placing it in the middle southern part of the map). The other town is a castle town in the northwest. The earlier you capture them, the better. Some are not initially guarded so you can sneak in and take them with little fighting. However, the longer you wait, the more likely you are to face resistance at these towns. Notes: You have three months to take Steadwick. It sounds like a lot of time, but you'll find that's not the case. The force garrisoning Steadwick is mighty, and led by General Kendal, a knight with awesome stats. He has 19 attack, 20 defense, 12 power, and 10 knowledge. He leads an army composed of champions, zealots, archers, crusaders, and griffins, whose numbers total more than 400! What that means is that his armies will do anywhere from two to three times the damage to you unless you can build up a hero with the same stats as his. Unfortunately, you don't have time to build up your hero. Take the enemy towns on the surface to get more gold and then build up your dungeon and inferno towns to acquire dragons and devils. Steadwick is surrounded on all sides by steep mountains, but there are three garrisons (positioned like the points of a triangle) through which you can pass to get inside. However, each garrison is guarded by over two dozen each of zealots, champions, and royal griffins. When fighting at the garrison, note that no magic may be cast there. On the adventure map, you will see sparkles glittering over the garrison, denoting its magic dampening aura. For the first month, you'll be pretty much left alone, so build up that dungeon castle and get minotaur kings and dragons. Expand to the surface map and take some enemy towns. In the second month, expect enemy heroes to go after your captured surface towns and otherwise harass you. When you take on Steadwick, make sure you have powerful magic and hundreds of units. Try to draw General Kendal out of Steadwick's fortifications by hanging back a few paces away from the castle. End your turn and he'll sally forth from Steadwick to confront you. You'll be free of his tower archers and won't be hampered by the town's moat. If you wait till the last minute, General Kendal will have over 200 griffins, 100 crusaders, 90 zealots, 175 archers, and several dozen champions and cavaliers. Against this force, you'll need to use spells such as blind to incapacitate whole stacks so you can deal with each stack one at a time. Good luck.