Presents Homeworld Game Guide

Ship Management
Resource Collection
Movement & Combat
Unit Strategies
Classification: Strike Craft
Race: Kushan/Taiidan
Cost: 55 RUs

Think of interceptors as slightly better scouts. Though not as fast, they can dish out more damage per shot, and their better armor keeps them around longer against enemy defenses. As mentioned in the scout section, just because you gain the ability to construct interceptors, you shouldn't ignore the cheaper scouts completely. Work your interceptors and scouts together as support for your larger capital ships, like assault frigates, destroyers, ion cannon frigates, and heavy cruisers.

The interceptor isn't quite as fast as the scout, nor do the interceptors feature the special speed-burst ability. Still, against slow-moving capital ships, a pack of interceptors is hard to beat. Don't send in your interceptors against missile frigates or multigun corvettes - you'll get ripped to pieces. Also, like other strike craft, interceptors require refueling after a few minutes of use. Make sure to build a support frigate or two so you can refuel your interceptors quickly or during any available period between battles. Though your interceptors will still move without fuel, they'll travel so slowly that even large, slow-moving capital ships can pick them off with ease.

Interceptors are more powerful than scouts and will likely be your primary strike craft.
Use strike craft to seek out enemy proximity sensors or probes. Take out the probes to prevent your opponent from keeping tabs on your development, and eliminate the proximity sensors so you can use cloaking technology without detection. You should also scatter strike craft around the perimeter of your mothership as scouts (make sure you're using all three dimensions). Assign all of them to a single Ctrl group so you can pull them all together quickly for offensive or defensive duty.

When going up against an equivalent size of interceptors or scouts, concentrate firepower on a chunk of the enemy craft. Don't rubber-band select the entire enemy group to fight, but try to eliminate two or three on the first pass by only selecting a few. When your strike craft turn after the first pass, move to attack the entire group or continue to micromanage your attack by concentrating fire on only a few ships. Once you gain the number advantage, you shouldn't have trouble overwhelming the enemy group by attacking the entire force.

Definitive ship and resource management strategies

Masterful movement and combat methods

Comprehensive unit information

Detailed campaign walk-through

Proven multiplayer tactics

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