Classification: Non-Combat
Race: Kushan/Taiidan
Cost: 30 RUs
The cheap probe has one great advantage and one glaring disadvantage. If you need to scout an area extremely fast, the probe is the tool of choice. Its speed is blinding; you can cross most maps in a matter of seconds. This characteristic can prove vital in a multiplayer or even a single-player game. For instance, you know the enemy is coming toward you (or your resource collectors), but you don't know the extent of the enemy fleet. Build a probe and quickly send it to the position to get a look.
 Probes are the fastest way to gain reconnaissance on your enemy, but once you've moved the probe you can't move it again. |
The problem with the probe is that once it stops, you can't move it again. The probe basically becomes useless, though it will still remain in that final position and maintain a line of sight (at least until your opponent decides to eliminate it). Because of this, it's often wiser to spend a few more resource units and construct either a proximity detector (for its cloak-detection ability) or simply a scout (for its maneuverability and offensive power).
Cloak Generator
Classification: Non-Combat
Race: Kushan/Taiidan
Cost: 500 RUs
The cloak generator is an excellent way of disguising the size and strength of your forces. Use it to disguise your resource unit-protection fleet or even a secret assault you're mounting above your opponent's mothership or resource units. You'll likely need several cloak generators in order to generate a large enough field to protect a sizeable fleet. Assign your fleet to guard the cloak generators so they stick with the generator and don't accidentally escape the generator's effects.
 Use the cloak generator to hide the strength of your fleet. |
An important element to the cloak generator is that you must shut it down after extended use so it can recharge its power. For an important, sneaky assault, you'll likely want to build several generators, not only to conceal the entire fleet, but also to have cloak generators in reserve to switch on while the others recharge. It's an expensive gambit but one that could turn the tide quickly if you're able to lure mothership or resource-unit defenses away from the scene.
To counter cloak generators, make sure you construct plenty of proximity sensors. If you've positioned enough around the map, particularly in key areas, such as the path to your resource units, your resource patch, and surrounding your mothership, you'll be able to detect the cloaked units before the attack commences. Proximity sensors are cheap - don't fail to use their anti-cloak ability.
Definitive ship and resource management strategies
Masterful movement and combat methods
Comprehensive unit information
Detailed campaign walk-through
Proven multiplayer tactics
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