Mission 6 - Diamond Shoals
Story: In attempting to avoid large enemy bases, the mothership must jump into a volatile asteroid field and defend itself until its hyperspace-jump capabilities recharge.
Difficulty: Easy
Overview: This mission involves no enemies, apart from massive flying rocks.
Fleet: At least eight capital ships, ten attack bombers, and eight corvettes will do the trick, with no casualties. A support frigate or a few repair corvettes are a nice addition.
Though this mission begins immediately, you will have a few moments to organize yourself before the asteroids reach the mothership. Take that time to assign presets to two capital-ship groups (if you haven't already) as well as to any attack bombers, corvettes, and repair corvettes you've constructed. This mission's sub-missions are:
Protect the Mothership
Split your capital ships into two groups, to the left and right of the mothership. Send your bombers and corvettes out of the path of the asteroids, so you can bring them in from the side. Put your corvettes in sphere formation. Protect your mothership with repair units (remember not to use G for guard, but Z for special function). Keep all other small ships inside the mothership.
 Assign several repair corvettes to continually repair your mothership as you pass through the asteroid field. |
Position your camera so it is within the flow of asteroids, facing your mothership head-on (or directly behind her). This position will help you locate the asteroids that are headed straight at her. Soften up incoming asteroids with your corvettes and bombers, and have all capital ships target one asteroid at a time. Bear in mind that targeting asteroids outside the range of your capital ships will tend to pull your ships into the path of the oncoming asteroids.
 The Bentusi are a rare ally during the single-player campaign. Purchase their technology offering. |
If a few asteroids slip past, count on your mothership's hull strength (and the repair units) to keep her alive. Repairing costs nothing, and a mothership with even 1 percent health at the end of a mission is good enough.
During the mission, you may have some success harvesting some of the pieces that are floating away. Periodically check on your resource collector and set it to harvest. Occasionally there will be nothing to harvest, but sometimes the collector will find small rocks to grab. The next mission starts calmly, so there is no need to organize your fleet here.
A Bentusi trade ship arrives as this mission ends and offers to sell you drone technology. Accept the deal.
Definitive ship and resource management strategies
Masterful movement and combat methods
Comprehensive unit information
Detailed campaign walk-through
Proven multiplayer tactics
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