Mission 8 - The Cathedral of Kadesh
Story: The jump out of the nebula proves unsuccessful when the enemy fleet positions three hyperspace inhibitors, otherwise known as three more motherships, in a triangular formation around your own mothership.
Difficulty: Hard
Overview: The enemy from the previous mission has returned. You'll face more swarmers, fuel pods, and a new enemy ship, the multibeam frigate. You'll also need to destroy all three enemy motherships to escape the nebula.
Fleet: You must preserve most of your fleet from the previous mission. You'll have some time to construct new vessels, but you won't be able to replenish your entire fleet. Make an effort to have 10-20 fighters, ten bombers, six to eight corvettes, and six capital ships carry over from the previous battle. As the mission begins, try to beef up your arsenal with more fighters and additional capital ships (one or two destroyers).
Unlike the previous mission, the protectors of the garden aren't going to wait until you've harvested part of the nebula to attack. They're coming immediately. Prepare your presets as quickly as possible and get ready for the initial attack to come from the front of your mothership. The sub-missions are:
Destroy Hyperspace Inhibitors
Your goal here is simple and direct but very hard to execute without taking huge losses. This is certainly the toughest mission so far in Homeworld, and you'll need to combine all the tactics you've learned so far to successfully fend off the attacks and destroy the enemy motherships.
You'll have a few moments to gather yourself once the mission begins. Launch all fighters, corvettes, and repair corvettes from your mothership. Position your resource group and research ship close to the mothership, and consider protecting them with a few offensive vessels, primarily fighters or corvettes.
 The protectors of the garden have positioned three motherships around your own to prevent a hyperspace jump. |
As mentioned in the fleet section, you'll likely need to build your fleet up from the previous mission. Begin immediately cranking out additional interceptors (for about 20-plus fighters) and a few more capital ships, including destroyers. Use a few repair corvettes for your destroyer and assault-frigate groups.
After the enemy swarmer threatens your fleet again, you'll be under attack. A group of swarmers and fuel pods advance from the direction the mothership is facing. Like in the previous mission, concentrate fire on the fuel pods. The swarmers will head for capital ships and noncombat vessels. Target them with fighters to slow their destruction of your ships.
After you've taken down the fuel pods, another group advances from below the mothership. Wait for the fuel pods to come into view, then concentrate all your firepower. If any swarmers surround capital or noncombat vessels, target them with your fighters. By now you should have watched the fleet intelligence report notifying you that there are three inhibitors in a triangular position around your mothership. Each must be destroyed for you to hyperspace out of the area.
Definitive ship and resource management strategies
Masterful movement and combat methods
Comprehensive unit information
Detailed campaign walk-through
Proven multiplayer tactics
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