While many of your actions in the game will depend on the configuration of your unique party, there are certain things that you should do regardless. In this section I'll detail certain behaviors that will help you succeed in your travels. Wear Helmets! Helmets protect you from critical hits, which can be quite damaging. Make sure that everyone in your party capable of wearing a helmet, does. Ask Questions First, Kill Later Attacking everyone you see may sound like a cool idea, but the game rewards peaceful resolutions more than it does bloody ones. In some cases, you can effectively halt yourself in the game by killing a vital character. Never attack until attacked. Abracadabracalafragalisticexpialadocious... It takes a relatively long period of time for spellcasters (both yours and those of your enemies) to get their spells off successfully. As such, protect your characters while they cast and smack down the enemies as they try to cast. Don't get scared if an enemy starts casting fireball at you; hit him with some arrows, and he'll forget what he was just doing. Launch your Missiles Long-range attacks are a necessity, not only for disrupting magic users, but also for getting damage in on opponents before they reach your party. Make sure that everyone in your group has some sort of missile weapon equipped at all times. When you can afford it, buy enhanced missiles, such as arrows +2 or arrows of fire; you can do a lot of damage before your enemies even get within melee range. If You Can't Beat 'Em, Make Other People Beat 'Em If you're being overrun by enemies, summon creatures to fight by your side. Even summoning weak monsters can turn the tide of a battle, forcing your enemies to take them out while your mages use the free time to cast devastating spells on them. Alternatively, you can charm a few of your opponents. Anything that takes their focus off of you is a Good Thing. Know What You're Doing Be sure that you know the strengths and weaknesses of your enemies before engaging them; don't cast ice storm on a group of cold wights. Fireball is much more effective. Refer to the enemies section of this guide for tips on tackling individual enemies.