Icewind Dale Game Guide
Chapter Five: Enemies
Throughout your travels, you'll be confronted by various types of people and monsters that would like nothing more than to have your party for dinner. Here, I'll give you some tips on how best to stop that from happening. Note that while I've divided them into general categories, anything with a prefix of "shadowed" is also undead.

While the word "animal" typically conjures up images of all sorts of creatures, perhaps in a zoo, imagine a polar bear unleashed on you when it's hungry. Such are the animals of Icewind Dale.

Honey lacks protein, so these big fellas turn to humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes to supplement their diet. The three types, black, cave, and polar, are all fairly easy to destroy if you use hold animal and take them out using ranged attacks. Alternatively, cast charm person or mammal to make them take each other out.

Bug spray just isn't going to cut it for beating these guys, except for maybe the regular old beetle. He's big, ugly, and probably smells bad too, but no special tactics are needed to beat him.

These guys stink, especially when they emit their gas cloud. This stuff can paralyze your party members, so stay out of range and use missile attacks and magic.

Stick closely to the same tactics as the bombardier beetle. Boring beetles can really mash your party to bits with a potential to knock off 20 hit points at a time.

The name is there to frighten you. The fire beetle can't do anything special and is even easier to smite down than the regular beetle.

While the name and sheer size of this beetle may induce fear, don't fall prey to it, as it's not very tough at all.

Carrion Crawler
They're kind of like grub worms on steroids. If bitten by one of these, your party member could become stunned and can't do anything about it. The best way to deal with carrion crawlers is to separate them from the group and kill them off one by one with any type of attack you desire.

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