Icewind Dale Game Guide
A minotaur is 50 percent man, 50 percent bull, and 100 percent dog food if you attack him first from long range before sending anyone in to meet him up close and personal. Also, he is slow to react to movement, so keep anyone whom you do send in circling him.

These little mushroom men are normally docile creatures who are a mere annoyance unless you get too close. Both the blue and red versions can emit a spore cloud, which has the effect of stunning, confusing, or making your party member go berserk. Keep away from them and use your ranged weapons and magic.

These exceedingly ugly beasts are otherwise normal in the combat arena. Put your strong fighters in front and leave your weak spellcasters to do their thing from a distance. The neo-orog elite is just an uglier and stronger version of the standard edition. The ugliest, strongest, and toughest in this dysfunctional family is the neo-orog chieftain. He is no different than the others except in strength and brutality.

When a big ill-tempered thing hits you, hit it back, only harder. Other than that, there is no strategy to defeating an orc. The only exception is to coax the archers into melee combat by beating on them up close.

He is no more than a regular orc who works out and has bigger muscles. Use the same tactics.

Shadowed Chieftain
This undead orc is the master of the clan. Get to him first, as he is the most dangerous of all the orcs. First, try to turn undead. Failing that, have your ranged-attack people hit him from a distance while your fighters hack their way through his friends to get to him.

Shadowed Marksman
The marksmen and shadowed warriors tend to group together to try to ruin your party's day. Since all creatures labeled "shadowed" are undead, try to turn them with your cleric or priest spell turn undead. Otherwise, just start hacking away and using all sorts of magical attacks, focusing on the archers first.

Shadowed Shaman
These things aren't much to worry about by themselves. About the only special ability they have is to curse or put a hold spell on you and your comrades. If they're with their more melee-oriented friends, however, taking the shamans out first should be a priority.

Shadowed Warrior
Use the same tactics as the shadowed marksman.

He's just about as dangerous as the shadowed shaman, but without the ability to cast hold spells.

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