Icewind Dale Game Guide
Vale of Shadows
The vale is inhabited by yeti and lesser shadows, so be ready for battle. During your first several fights, your characters should begin leveling up; be sure to level up and add spells to your books, and proficiency points to your weapons stats, and so on, whenever this happens.

Begin by traveling along the path to the northeast and continue until you arrive at the entrance to the first crypt. Enter and be ready for a fight against the undead. Have any priests in your party attempt to turn the undead. Be aware that you can loot some of the bodies lying around. Vanquish the undead and explore this small area.

Prepare for the stinking cloud trap in the northeast and run out of its range once its' sprung, or the skeletons will have a field day with your unconscious bodies. Once you're finished looting and smiting this area, exit back to the vale.

Next, head to crypt two, directly southwest of crypt one (though you must circle around back past the entrance to the vale to get there). As with the rest of the vale, be ready to smite the undead, loot, and get hit with some traps.

There is a series of traps along the westernmost corridor and another if you click on the pool in the southeast. The western ones will just do damage, while the southeastern one will summon some lesser shadows. Be sure to take the key from the center room, as you'll need it later on in the vale. Once you're through here, exit, and we'll move on to crypt three.

Exit the crypt and go south, then east, then north. Crypt three is just northeast of the statue in the center of the vale. Inside, you'll find more undead, including ghouls and skeletons. Watch out for the northeastern sarcophagus' trap, which invokes a stinking cloud and summons some skeletons.

Now, it's on to crypt four. Head to the southeastern corner of the map and enter the larger cave. Upon entering this quaint little crypt, you'll be accosted by Therik, a rather large skeleton set to guard the area. You can either agree to leave or fight, and you need a key from this crypt, leaving only the option of fighting. Attack Therik first, then worry about his two zombie friends. Once they're dead (again), cross the bridge with your strongest fighters up front.

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