NSO-929x Dreadnaught Class Corvette
Manufacturer: NSO Laplace
Length: 188m
Mass: 19,000t
Crew: 45 + 4
Maneuverability: Medium
Offensive Systems:
2 x PBC Cannons ( Front and Rear )
2 x Missile Launchers ( Front and Rear )
Defensive Systems:
Countermeasure Launcher
2 x LDA ( Upper and Lower )
Drive Systems:
Standard thrust array
LDS Class 3
Capsule Drive
A direct descendant of the original NSO-929, this elderly model
distinguished itself during the Independence War and is still in common
use throughout known space due to its simple, versatile and rugged
design. It, and several 'clone' versions, are manufactured by various
ship-builders under license from NSO-Laplace. Though it requires a
larger crew than more modern ships the detachable accomodation modules
enable it to be outfitted for many different roles, from military
missions to ore prospecting and passenger transport. Most commonly the
929x is seen in service with planetary defense fleets, many of which
use older ship types to minimise running costs. The 929x may be
outfitted with dual forward, or front and rear-facing weapons. Some
versions have been retrofitted with modern gatling cannons.
NSO-2002 Devastator Class Heavy Corvette
Manufacturer: NSO Laplace
Length: 150m
Mass: 20,160t
Crew: 20 + 4
Maneuverability: Medium-low
Offensive Systems:
1 x PBC Cannon
1 x Gatling Cannon
2 x Missile Launchers
Defensive Systems:
Countermeasure Launcher
2 x LDA ( Upper and Lower )
Drive Systems:
Standard Thruster Array
LDS Class 3
Capsule Drive
Designed as a replacement for the aging NSO-929 Dreadnaught
class ships, the Devastator class heavy corvette packs a formidable
arsenal of weapons, and utilizes state-of-the-art avionics and
auto-repair systems. Due to the use of these advanced systems, the
Devastator class corvette requires a crew of just 25, compared with 50
for the older Dreadnaught class. The 'Heavy' refers not to the vessels
size ( in fact it is shorter than a Dreadnaught class corvette, and
only slightly heavier ), but to weapon carrying capacity. Using modular
wing pylons the craft is capable of carrying a wide range of offensive
and defensive hardware, including gatling cannons and remote missile
launchers. The pylon endcaps have a specialized docking connection, and
military analysts speculate that NSO Laplace may be developing a small
fighter ship known as a Turret Fighter which would be capable of
linking with the main hull via the wing pylons (in much the same way
that the corvette's NSO-1502 Advanced Command Section connects to the
front of the primary hull). In addition to carrying weapons on the end
of the pylons, the Devastator can mount two addition pods slung
underneath the pylons, though these mountings are often left empty due
to the heavy power and heat requirements of the additional weaponry.
The Devastator heavy corvette is made under license by various
organizations, including the M.C.A., which accounts for the many
different variants in service.
VS-101C Cutter Class Corvette
Manufacturer: Von Schelling Industries
Length: 175m
Mass: 20,096t
Crew: 15 + 4
Maneuverability: Medium-High
Offensive Systems:
Turreted Dual PBC Cannon
Missile Launcher
Defensive Systems:
Countermeasure Launcher
2 x LDA ( Upper and Lower )
Drive Systems:
Standard Thruster Array
LDS Class 3
Capsule Drive
The Cutter, a radical new design from Von Schelling Industries,
features a unique vectored thrust engine array and a 360 degree high
powered PBC turret. The vectored thrust pods make it much more agile
than any other ship of equivalent size, and its turret enables it to
continually engage targets while performing defensive maneuvers. The
cutter has found its way into many navies and has become a favourite of
pirates and marauders due to its fast Class 2 LDS drive and low crew