NSO-GST-10c Gunstar Weapons Platform
Manufacturer: NSO Laplace
Length: 520m
Mass: 441,600t
Crew: None
Maneuverability: Station keeping only
Offensive Systems:
4 x double gatling cannon turrets
Defensive Systems:
Multiple LDAs
Drive Systems:
Basic Thrust Array
The Gunstar weapons platform first made an appearance during the
Independence War. Designed by NSO for the Commonwealth Navy they were
highly effective at defending stations and Lagrange points from attack.
The NSO-GST-10c is an upgraded model based on the original design,
boasting improved AI and target acquisition, however concerns have been
raised as to its possible vulnerability with respect to modern
disruptor weaponry.
NSO-GST-200-A Advanced Gunstar Weapons Platform
Manufacturer: NSO Laplace
Maneuverability: CLASSIFIED
Offensive Systems:
Defensive Systems:
Drive Systems:
NSO Laplace are reported to be working on a replacement for the
elderly GST-10 series gunstar weapons platform. Early reports suggest
it will be configured differently, with more weapons, and there are
rumors that it may mount missile launchers and be less vulnerable to
ECM attacks.
VS-IN01 Storm Petrel Interceptor
Manufacturer: Von Schelling Industries
Length: 35m
Mass: 63t
Crew: 1 + 1
Maneuverability: Extreme
Offensive Systems:
2 x PBC Cannon
Missile Launcher
Defensive Systems:
Countermeasure Launcher
1 x LDA (Upper)
Drive Systems:
High-Power Micro Thrust Array
LDS Class 3
Originally developed for the Navy, but abandoned when the
project was cancelled due to bureaucratic wrangling and dithering, Von
Schelling re-visited the design when advances in technology made the
concept of a small, medium range, extremely fast interceptor
financially viable. The Storm Petrel is unique. It marries the
firepower and range of a patcom, with the speed and agility of a
fighter. Requiring a crew of between 1 and 2 the Storm Petrel is often
used as an armed courier vessel, more than capable of defending itself
against multiple foes. The downside is the high manufacturing and
maintenance costs. The Storm Petrel has proved to be fairly unreliable,
and Von Schelling are working on the design to iron out the various
MS-01x Executor Class Interceptor
Manufacturer: Maas Corporation
Maneuverability: CLASSIFIED
Offensive Systems:
Defensive Systems:
Drive Systems:
The Executor class interceptor was the Maas Corporation's first
flawed entry into the military / special purpose market. A personal
project of Caleb Maas, the Executors were first deployed in debt
recovery operations. However they were recalled shortly afterwards
after a fundamental design flaw in the engine pylons led to an
unfortunate series of 'accidents'. There is speculation that Maas
Corporation may be about to re-launch a much improved variant of the
Executor class interceptor, made possible due to recent advances in
materials technology.