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The Walkthrough

This guide is a step by step walkthrough to completing the game. Note that this guide covers all secret areas. Thus it may not be the most direct route to completing a level.

Special Note: This mission comes after completing Tier 2. It is a "three part" required mission (encompassing Levels 15, 16 & 17). There are the standard weapon loadouts and no Force Star.

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Level 15 : Vjun


by Sam Fisher (secrets by txa1265)

New Weapons: Concussion Rifle
New Enemies: Hazard Trooper, New Reborn, Reborn Twin, TIE Bomber
Force Updates: 0
Secret Areas: 4

Shot 15-1
You start under the Raven's Claw, and you see an opening in the distance.


Shot 15-2a (Secret Area)
"From the start of level, instead of heading to that inviting cover, head down the ramp, and to the right, hugging the left wall until you get to some cover, which is where the secret area is located. Note, if you don't have Protect, hunting for secrets on this level is foolish ... ;)"

Shot 15-3
Go forward and into the next room.


Shot 15-3b (Secret Area)
"You go through a Glass walled tunnel, and there is a slight opening between that tunnel and the next one. You can exit either side, but go left and find the secret in a breakable area on the small ruin area."


Shot 15-3c (Secret Area)
"After you've found the previous secret, this is very close. Look back to the overhang you came from, and use the architecture to jump to the roof over the door."

Shot 15-4
Clear it, then go into the next corridor.
Shot 15-5
Continue on and then make a right in this room to go to the next floor.
Shot 15-6
Use this door to continue.

Shot 15-7
Go inside, then back out and circle around left.

Shot 15-8
Use the E-Web to kill the Hazard Troopers.


Shot 15-8b (Secret Area)
"OK, you have made it pretty far, and just taken out the troops manning the E-web. You're proceeding along the canyon, and the main path seems to veer right. You go left, and see the ruined entrance in the first shot. Jump up behind the right side for the secret."

Shot 15-9
Go right and until you reach this structure.
Shot 15-10
Go on the NE side, and you'll see this.
Shot 15-11
Go around on it, and there is a cutscene. Go inside the building as fast as possible.
Shot 15-12
Make a left when you reach the door going outside, use the ramp to get up and circle around left to go inside again.
Shot 15-13
Go inside and waste the Stormies, continue on until you get to a room with baddies; kill em.
Shot 15-14
Go on and there will be another cutscene. Kill the Cultist, and go outside and use the turret to blast the Bombers, then use the lift to your right and go to where the Bombers were, go to the door in the distance to complete level.

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