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The Walkthrough

This guide is a step by step walkthrough to completing the game. Note that this guide covers all secret areas. Thus it may not be the most direct route to completing a level.

Special Note: This is the second mission after completing Tier 2. It is the second of a "three part" required mission (encompassing Levels 15, 16 & 17). There are the standard weapon loadouts and no Force Star.

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Level 16 : Vjun

"Bast Castle Lower Floors"

by Sam Fisher

New Weapons: Merr-Sonn Missile System
New Enemies: None
Force Updates: 0
Secret Areas: 4

Shot 16-1
You start with Kyle telling you to go to the door NW of you, its locked, so you go to the other door, that was almost in front of you at the start.(cutscene)
Shot 16-2
Jump out of the compactor, and go in the opposite chute that Kyle went in.
Shot 16-3
Waste everyone here, then use the console.
Shot 16-4
Go into the door to the left of the console you used.
Shot 16-5 (Secret Area)
Make another left for a secret behind the boxes.
Shot 16-6
Go back through the other open door.

Shot 16-7
Get Kyle and kill the Cultists. Go back to the locked door you saw earlier. He'll open it.

Shot 16-8
(cutscene) You will need to turn on the pumps, to do so, use Push on the red pumps.
Shot 16-9
After that and a cutscene, follow Kyle into the hole that you made.
Shot 16-10
Jump into the air stream and you'll fall into a doorway.
Shot 16-11
You've got to use Force Speed to get in between the green beam.
Shot 16-12
Kill the baddies, then use this to get to the next floor.
Shot 16-13
Go in the door to your left, and around the room, into the next door.
Shot 16-14
Kill everyone in these rooms, then use the lift.
Shot 16-15
Go up, clear the room; go through the door and kill the other two Stormies, then go through the door.
Shot 16-16
Go around and into this room. Use the boxes and doorway to get up.
Shot 16-17
Use force Pull on all of these to overload the reactor, and then end level cutscene.

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