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Old News Archive: 12/16/03 - 09/18/03

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<Old News Archive: 11/30/04 - 03/09/04>

>>December 16, 2003: Christmas is coming!
After a long hiatus, the site is finally seeing a few updates (though I won't have time to finish them all before the Christmas season)! Raven Software has kindly released a free Bonus Map Pack (4 new FFA, 1 new CTF, 1 new Duel) for online play, and we may eventually cover these in the future, as they add several items (previously seen only in Siege) to the FFA experience.

Extensive playing of the game has lead me to discover and test out many new console commands as well, and I'll be featuring those eventually on a page. Have a safe holiday season and we'll be back before you know it with some long-awaited updates! First off: Weapons page updated with some corrections to some old errors.

>>November 11, 2003: JA 1.01 released
Go visit LucasFiles.com right now to grab the Official 1.01 client patch and the 1.011 dedicated server patches if you haven't already. They're loaded with bug and exploit fixes. Thankfully the gameplay was barely touched (ground rolls are slightly trickier to perform) but I'll be adding notes where applicable as stuff like that is discovered.

>>November 4, 2003: Site move & Tidy Up
Moved the site over to its new location at JediKnight.Net. Not a huge change except that now you have one less letter to type in for the address (it's now http://strategy.jediknight.net/jka/). Resized some images that were too big. Still having some problems with mis-sized ads (hit refresh once or twice if a page looks funny).

>>November 2, 2003: Siege Items Pictures
Added some pictures to the Siege Items page, with more updates on the way in the next week or so.

>>October 23, 2003: Siege Guides
Alegis Gensan of the DEATH Clan has kindly let us link his new Siege guides, that cover the basics of each of the three maps included with Jedi Academy! Check them out in the new Other Guides section. Also added txa1265's JA Secrets guide (better late than never!) to the above section.

>>October 22, 2003: Shocking!
Added an update on using "double fisted Lightning" on the Weapons and Dark Side pages. Thanks to acdcfanbill for helping me test this!

>>October 12, 2003: Siege Updates
Adding missing info and corrected errors on the Siege pages (accidentally had copied the Hoth class info into the Desert section). Now it should accurately reflect the individual maps. Class and map analysis sections are in progress.

>>October 10, 2003: Updates
Corrected information about idle Saber damage (it's off by default in JKA). Corrected a few details about Siege Korriban. Updates on the Demp2's stunning effect. Corrections on Melee use.

>>October 5, 2003: More Saber Updates
Removed some details from the Saberstaff page that were incorrect. Updated mana usage and Force requirements of certain moves on all the Saber pages. Also adjusted the upper limit of Trip Mines and Det Packs placed in a level to the correct value.

>>October 3, 2003: Saber Updates
Made some corrections and additions to the various Saber pages. A few more moves need to be tested and then I can add those. I may also add pictures to some of them later on. Also corrected some things about the Bowcastor and Concussion Rifle on the weapons page.

>>October 2 , 2003: Siege Updates
I'm in the process of updating the Siege pages with new information from practice and Raven's new guide (see news item below). Corrected the colors of each team (Blue always defends, Red always attacks in Siege). The "good guys" use the Rebel Alliance symbol, while the "bad guys" use that of the Empire.

>>September 28, 2003: Siege Guide
Raven Software's Kenn Hokestra from the JKA team has sent in this brand new Siege Guide for your viewing pleasure! Thanks to the team for this helpful info.

>>September 26, 2003: More Siege
Updated Siege pages some more, with the Korriban Valley classes and info. Also uploaded the new cfg files I'm using in Jedi Academy (Dark Side, Light Side, Single/All Force).

>>September 25, 2003: Siege Updates
I added some preliminary updates to Siege page, with a run down of the classes and objectives on the Hoth Assault mission. Also made a correction about Det Packs on the Weapons page.

>>September 24, 2003: More Updates
I updated most of the pics and descriptions on the weapons and items pages to reflect JA, as well as tossed up the Force power pages (much is still left to be corrected/tested and filled in though). The site is getting image intensive, so apologies to any modem users out there!

>>September 19, 2003: Updates!
Jedi Academy today saw worldwide release, so head on out there and get your copy, it really is turning out to be a fantastic game.I fixed some mistakes on the Lightsabers pages, as well as updated some things with the weapons. The Force pages are being worked on and I'm preparing new screenshots for the various sections. With a backlog of things to do this month it may be awhile before the site is "pretty" but for now, my goal is to get the information out to the community and hopefully encourage players to send me strategies!

>>September 18, 2003: Gearing Up
With yesterday's US release of Jedi Academy, and tomorrow's worldwide release, things are heating up in the new community. This calls for a new page, with new content!

This site, like its predecessor, is a work in progress, and as a result, much information is missing or incomplete. This will be filled in as we learn more about the game through experience. I will be working to replace outdated information from Jedi Outcast as well as add in new sections to cover the differences in Siege Mode from the rest of the game. I welcome your input and feedback, as it takes a long time to test everything and figure out all the tricks. Thanks to Raven Software and LucasArts for the great game, we look forward to another year of discovery and fun!

To start you off, sith has started doing his famous SP Walkthroughs a little early.

You can check out his quick run through Tatooine here (warning: contains spoilers!).

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<Old News Archive: 11/30/04 - 03/09/04>


  >>Siege Guide - by Kurgan
  >>Force Profiles - by Kurgan
  >>SP Walkthrough - by Various Authors
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