Your Units The Deceiver Heron Guards Bowmen Dwarves Enemy Units Mauls Fetches Soulless Myrkridia Giant Myrkridia Goal Find the Tain Shard. Walk-through 1. This will be your first opportunity to use the Deceiver's Blinding Dream, which converts enemy units to your control. Use it wisely, keeping in mind that it will drain the Deceiver of mana. 2. As the level opens, you are west of a small lake. A pair of Mauls approaches, one of whom is immediately converted by the Deceiver. In the end, you will have a Maul to use as you see fit. MAP 3. Proceed south around the lake (the northern route is a dead end). MAP 4. As you round the lake to the south, you will be attacked by a group of Mauls and Soulless. Take high ground and subdue this patrol. MAP 5. A band of Soulless may hear this hubbub and approach from the heart of the lake. MAP 6. Continue south, picking up Satchel Charges from the abandoned town east of the road. MAP 7. Face off against any Maul patrols you encounter. MAP 8. When you reach the southern border of the map, turn east. MAP
10. Cross the stream to the southeast and climb the high hill to rain down hurt on Soulless squads. Look around this island (and all other shorelines you encounter) for shrubs that yield healing roots. MAP 11. Once the threat passes, head southeast and prepare to cross the bridge to the east. Set up a Satchel Charge trap on the top of the bridge. Send a Berserk across to draw the Mauls into the trap. MAP 12. After you cross, climb up high on the face-rock and snipe at any Soulless patrols. MAP |