11. Proceed south until you see a passage lined with obelisks. If you try to pass your troops through here, they will be fried by electricity - surely, there must be a trick. The Deceiver, holding the pyramid crystal, should walk to the center of the passage. He will, thus, attract all of the electricity while the Crystal renders him immune to its effects. Now you may walk the rest of your troops through the passage. When the last unit is safely through, move the Deceiver forward into the next room. MAP
13. Take care of the first wave and inch toward the Summoner, eliminating his servants as quickly as possible. When you get close, it's time to rid the world of him. MAP 14. The Summoner can teleport any unit that comes in contact with him, but he can only do it one at a time. Converge your melee units on him and bring the Deceiver in right behind them. A few of your units may be transported beyond the electric obelisks, but you will be sure to fell the Summoner. When the loathsome man is dead, you will be transported to … uh-oh. MAP Next, Level XX: Murder of Crows |