Your Units Warrior Captain Warriors Bowmen Dwarves Journeyman Enemy Units Soulless Wights Thrall Ghôls Goal Find the Gonen's Bridge and destroy it after you cross it. Keep your Warrior Captain alive. Walk-through 1. You begin this mission on a high cliff face. MAP 2. Don't hang around too long, however. A massive force of the undead are about to approach from the north. It's in your interest to get a head start on them. MAP 3. Climb down the pass to the south, following the switchback down to the side of a river. You may have to deal with an advance team of Soulless before you descend. MAP 4. Here you have a choice of which route you wish to take. Both lead to the Bridge and neither is particularly easy. MAP 5. The first route can be found to the south of your current position (at the bottom of the descent). Follow the dirt path to the southeast and cross the river at the shallow point. Follow the trail around the passes until you cross a second stream (skip to #10, below). Beware of Ghôls, Wights, Thrall and Soulless along your trip. Also, be mindful of the slow force coming up behind you; there's no reason to engage it, but you must be sure to stay ahead of them. MAP 6. The second route can be found by turning west at the end of the descent and walking parallel - but not too close - to the cliff face until it turns north. MAP 7. If you take the western route, continue west, fighting off Ghôls and Wights emerging from the stream. MAP 8. When you arrive at the bend in the stream, turn north until you see a shallow, crossable area. MAP
10. When you cross this stream, regardless of which path you chose, you should be able to see the Bridge, guarded by an array of Soulless, Thrall, and Pus Packet-hurling Ghôls. Eliminate them as quickly as possible, but don't be afraid to make a break for the Bridge - only your Warrior Captain need survive. You can send all of your units - except him - to hold up the opposition and send him to safety. MAP 11. By now the large force pursuing you should be coming up on your tail, cross the Bridge quickly. MAP 12. As you cross the Bridge, the computer-controlled troops on the other side will become yours to command. Once your troops are safely across, bring the Dwarves to the edge of the Bridge and use them to blow it up by targeting the ground near the closest Satchel Charge. MAP 13. When the Bridge lies in ruin, you may move on to the next level. MAP Next, Level VII: Beyond the Cloudspine |