Enemy units tend to prioritize which units they will target first based on the target's power, immediate threat, and strategic importance. Dwarves, for example, are the first choice of most enemy units. Use this to your advantage when, for instance, facing off with a line of Bowmen. While your Bowmen fire, move a fast unit like a Berserk or captured Myrkridia back and forth in front of your arrow line. Most opposing Soulless will target the unit on the move, perceiving it as a more immediate threat than the Bowman pecking away from a distance. Your fast melee unit will be able to actively avoid most of the Soulless' spears while your Bowmen finish them off with no fear of retaliation. Feints Many enemy units will not attack until one of your units gets within a certain distance. Most will then pursue your units once they have been engaged, though some will only go so far before returning to their original position. Use this quirk by running a fast unit, such as a Berserk, forward until the enemy units come out of their defensive posture and pursue. Then bring your bait back to your formation and attack the moving enemy with long-range troops, follow then by melee troops. Camera Movement Don't underestimate your camera as a strategic tool. Where you stand in battle very often depends on where you sit and what you see. As a general rule, assume your units' point of view as much as possible and stay zoomed out to at least three-quarters of full scale. When in doubt, orbit your camera constantly and keep a close eye on your map screen for the red dots indicating enemy presence. Next, Flanking, Splitting, Guarding, Retreating, Scattering, and a cheat |