
The Summoner
This special enemy is Soulblighter's main conduit for transporting the Myrkridia out of extinction. When you finally meet this corrupt sorcerer, you must deal with his two powers. First, the Summoner can conjure Myrkridia to defend him by picking up their skulls strewn about his lair. Second, he can teleport any unit that approaches him beyond the defenses leading into his lair, but he cannot use this ability frequently. Bait him to waste his spell on just one of your units, then move in with greater numbers. Try to occupy him with a large group of units and then bring in the Deceiver to finish him off.
Another of the Fallen Lords mentioned but never encountered in the previous installment, Shiver will make you wish she'd stayed unseen. Her main weapon is a Whisper Dream, which sends out a life-draining shower of light that can seek out and devastate all but the most powerful targets. She can also cast a Ripple Spell that buckles the ground, damaging anyone in its wake. It's best to leave a being this powerful to another Fallen Lord, if you happen to know one.
Your final and most fearsome foe. Fortunately, you will meet him in his most desperate hour - as he is trying to play his last card. The full extent of his powers is unknown, but he can turn himself into a murder of crows to elude danger and is the fastest, toughest being you will ever see. You haven't a chance against him in a stand-up fight, so you (or Alric) will have to find a way to render him vulnerable.
The Unallied Units
