Mission Title: Dys, the capital of Stygia, a place of death Objective 1:Defeat Acheron Objective 2: Defeat Abraxus Mission Attributes: None New Units: None New Spells: Bovine intervention, bore When in doubt, summon the power of cows. This ancient wisdom comes into play on this level, where, at great cost of mana, you can launch a cow straight into the air - where it will hover momentarily and then swan-dive onto a selected target. The target is guaranteed to die, which leaves you with already converted blue souls, so use bovine intervention on whatever most powerful enemy creature you encounter.
As the level opens, you witness a cutscene in which the wizard Abraxus chases a gargoyle into your altar area. She slays it and, thus, introduces herself to you. Claim the blue soul and build a manalith. Set your creatures to guard it and head over the ridge to your east. Three unclaimed mana fountains lie in this direction; keep going, using speed to hustle to those spots and building manaliths on all three unless your altar is attacked. If it is, teleport home and defend it. You will need to do your best to convert enemy souls because you start off with so precious few. Using the new bore spell, as a result, is unwise (if you can help it). The souls of creatures consumed by the bore are lost forever. Hunker down by the manalith next to your altar and repel attacks until your army outnumbers your enemies' army. Abraxus' altar is closer to you than Acheron's, so desecrate it first. Rid the rest of the land of Acheron's manaliths and then desecrate his altar as well. Once you have defeated them both, the mission is won.