Mission Title: Karn, a border fortress, protecting the residents of the Glebe Objective: Take the firefists to James' champion Mission Attributes: +2 to Pyro, -2 to James, -1 to Persephone, -1 to Charnel, -1 to Stratos New Units: Firefists New Spells: Ring of fire You're ordered to attempt to negotiate an alliance with James; you'll do so by offering the god's champion a contingent of firefists. As the mission opens, you meet Empress Sorcha, an ally to Pyro, who will accompany you on the mission and assist you in battle if the negotiation goes awry. Your new unit for this mission is in fact the firefist, a powerful melee unit that requires support from your lower-level ranged and air units. Cast the new spell, ring of fire, to envelop an enemy unit in flame, slowly doing damage.
Stop and build a second manalith on the mana fountain. You won't lose track of the gargoyles. Even if you lose sight of them, just keep moving toward the village, and you'll locate them again as well as Grakkus. When you reach the village, approach Lord Grakkus to initiate the cutscene. Offer Grakkus an alliance and watch the firefists go to work - apparently, you aren't the best negotiator in the business. After the poorly received meeting, you receive a new mission objective. Mid-Mission Objective - Defeat Grakkus: You don't have long before Grakkus returns with an entourage. Spot the nearby mana fountain and construct a shrine. This structure will serve as soul-converting grounds - sac-doctors won't have to return all the way to your altar to convert an enemy soul to a usable friendly unit. Take out the villagers (Sorcha has probably already started) and convert their souls into your own units. Produce additional firefists, as well as ranged and air units to support them, and combat incoming gargoyles. When Grakkus returns, battle his units and use ring of fire and other offensive spells to weaken incoming units. Make sure you retreat to Sorcha as Grakkus approaches so that she's involved in the battle. Taking on Grakkus yourself will be quite difficult. Ranged units, as well as firefists, make an excellent combination. Conduct the battle against Grakkus and convert enemy souls to increase your army size. Push him back through the valley and locate his altar just beyond. Take out the nearby manaliths and replace them with your own. Approach his altar and cast the desecrate spell on a firefist. Order all units against Grakkus to vanquish James' champion. At the end of the mission, James appears and offers you a reward - a forgiving James sees the failed negotiation as "not your fault."