Mission Title: Surtur's keep, the ancient fortress of Surtur's keep, stands ever vigilant against the foes of Empyrea Objective: Defeat Empress Sorcha Mission Attributes: +2 to Stratos, -2 to Pyro, -1 to Persephone, -1 to James, -1 to Charnel New Units: Squall New Spells: Freeze Stratos sends you to Surtur's keep to deal with Pyro's wizards - first Sorcha, then Ambassador Buta. You're offered a new unit, the ranged squall unit; it's projectile can knock enemy units back and into the air, decreasing (and slowing) their ability to counterattack. Your new spell, freeze, can briefly freeze an enemy unit, which makes them highly vulnerable to attacks. Begin by constructing a manalith at the mana fountain ahead and produce low-level air units and an additional squall or two. The first enemy units to attack are melee firefists - air units are highly effective against them.
Start moving out after you have accumulated a large force. Canvass the map for each manalith and produce additional manahoars if you have available souls. If you spot Sorcha on the map, let her come to you. Defeat her, then her enemy units, and convert all red souls. You may wish to construct a shrine on one of the mana fountains away from your base; this lets your sac-doctors return there to convert enemy souls. Mid-Mission Objective - Defeat Ambassador Buta: At some point during the mission, Abraxus arrives to assist (if you beat Sorcha beforehand, Stratos offers an end-mission award). Furthermore, you receive a second objective - to eliminate Ambassador Buta. You should have enough souls and units to assault Sorcha's manaliths and altar. Proceed carefully and combine your attacks with low-level offensive spells and your new freeze spell. Replace destroyed manaliths with your own and desecrate Sorcha's altar with a squall. Defeat her in combat to banish her from the map. Getting to Ambassador Buta is half the battle. His altar stands on its own island. You must locate a swirling gate to teleport to his island. Locate this gate, near Sorcha's altar, and send your wizard through. Make sure your units are ordered to guard your wizard so that they will follow him through. You may need to take several trips back and forth through the gate to gather all your units. Seek out the nearest manalith and tear it down. Buta will be fresh and ready for a fight. Defend at your own constructed manalith if possible. If not, scoop up blue souls quickly and replace them. Weaken Buta and his units with spells and cast the heal spell regularly on your troops. Push Buta back to his altar (convert souls, build a shrine on his island, and get more units as you move) and cast the desecrate spell on a squall. Finish Buta off at the next opportunity, but take your time. The more units you have, the better. Wait for sac-doctors to complete conversions and summon additional battle units to assist.