The Zerg Swarm - Units and Structures

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Evolution Chamber

The Evolution Chamber is required before you can morph Creep Colonies into Spore Colony anti-air defenses. Otherwise, the Evolution Chamber is responsible for evolving upgrades for Zerg ground units. Zerglings and Ultralisks benefit greatly from melee attack upgrades, while Hydralisks become more potent with improved missile attack. All Zerg ground units become tougher from carapace upgrades, but make sure to evolve weapons upgrades first.

Hit Points
Time to Build
75m 0g
Special Options Upgrade Melee Attack
  Level 1 100m 100g Time 266
  Level 2 150m 150g Time 298 Requires Lair
  Level 3 200m 200g Time 330 Requires Hive
 Upgrade Missile Attack
  Level 1 100m 100g Time 266
  Level 2 150m 150g Time 298 Requires Lair
  Level 3 200m 200g Time 330 Requires Hive
 Evolve Carapace
  Level 1 150m 150g time 266
  Level 2 225m 225g time 298 (requires Lair)
  Level 3 300m 300g time 330 (requires Hive)

Next: Creep Colony, Sunken Colony, and Spore Colony