The Zerg Swarm - Units and Structures

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Zerg Units

The Zerg were bioengineered to be resilient, resourceful, fast, and united. Though this recipe left them with little in the way of good looks, the Zerg represent the most dangerous force the universe has ever known. Led by an entity known only as the Overmind, the Zerg share a single-minded desire to expand their territory and kill or assimilate every species they encounter. Having improved their genetic code countless times since their humble origins, the Zerg now stand as a biological superpower, foregoing technology for the sake of natural purity and power.

The Zerg can construct a military force much faster than any other known species. Their individual warriors tend not to be particularly strong, but their low cost and quick rate of production means the Zerg may assemble overwhelming armies with which they can easily conquer any foe. Most Zerg ground units can burrow beneath any surface out of sight, and all Zerg units are endowed with a remarkable metabolism that lets them gradually regenerate to full health even from the brink of demise. But the sheer versatility of the Zerg is their most impressive feature. From the sinister needle-shooting Hydralisks to the elegant winged Mutalisks to the massive and utterly ferocious Ultralisks, the Zerg possess a genetic strain perfectly suited to each and every combat situation. Though their lack of any technological achievement may suggest an inherent inferiority, all it takes is to face them in combat but for even a moment to realize that the Zerg represent a very real threat to the known universe.

You will find the Zerg units and structures presented in a logical order, from the most basic to the most advanced.

Next: Zerg Units - Larva