The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures
Terran Units In most cases, Terran units are designed under the principal of greatest power at the lowest possible cost. The best examples include the Terran Arclite Siege Tank and the Vulture Hoverbike. Their alien enemies might easily destroy these specialized units if given the opportunity to get close enough, but under proper control, both the Siege Tank and the Vulture prove to be immensely powerful. In particular, the Siege Tank's range and power is unrivaled in the known galaxy. Further, only the Terrans possess the tactical nuclear warhead, a technology that, curiously enough, has eluded even the Protoss. Terrans also understand the art of stealth, with Ghost agents and Wraith starfighters that can turn invisible at will. And though the three-way conflict with the Protoss and Zerg is a relatively new affair, hardworking Terran scientists have already developed special powers for countering each race in turn, and those abilities are packaged in the Terran Science Vessel. Meanwhile, the Terran military is at no loss for plenty of resolute, nationalistic Marines determined to ensure the safety of their species and homeworld at any cost. That the Protoss and Zerg underestimate The Terran Dominion may well turn out to be a devastating oversight.
You will find the Terran units and structures presented in a logical order, from the most basic to the most advanced.