The Zerg Swarm - Units and Structures
Infested Terran
| Strengths: Frightfully powerful; can burrow
Weaknesses: Killed on contact; easily destroyed |
Certainly the most terrifying example of what the Zerg Overmind can do is the Infested Terran. Stripped of any independent thought processes, the Infested Terran is wholly loyal to the Zerg and purely an instrument of evil. Its misshapen body is imbued with unknown volatile substances that ignite and explode on contact, killing its once-Terran host and everything around it all at once in an incredible blast that's one step less -powerful than a nuclear bomb.
Hit Points/Size | 60/small | Time to Build | 40 | Cost (minerals/Vespene Gas/control) | 100/50/1 | Weapon/Strength | Suicide 500 (splash) | Armor/Strength | Zerg Carapace 0, +1 per upgrade | Special Options | Burrow |
Infested Terrans can only be produced from an Infested Command Center. Once a Terran Command Center is compromised to half or below its full strength, a Zerg Queen may fly in and infest it almost instantly. Thenceforth, the Command Center is lost to its Terran founders and becomes an instrument of the Swarm, capable of rapidly producing Infested Terrans to serve the will of the Overmind.
Infested Terrans move quickly, and like most other Zerg units, they regenerate hit points and can burrow underground. Burrowed Infested Terrans may be used to mount devastating surprise attacks against enemy forces in transit, and a host of them can easily devastate any enemy structure in its path. Infested Terrans are easily killed, however, and if they are destroyed before reaching their target, the volatile substances escape the ravaged body and no explosion ensues. Likewise, beware of using them too near to your other forces, which may well perish in the ensuing blast.
Rumor has it that Terran commanders allied with Zerg Cerebrates will occasionally sacrifice a Command Center to their Zerg companions so they might collectively crush their foes with the aid of Infested Terrans. Should you ever find yourself allied between the two species, remember this as an option.
Next: Zerg Structures