The Zerg Swarm - Units and Structures

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Once you've established a Spawning Pool, you can mutate your Hatchery into a Lair. This is a fairly time-consuming and costly endeavor, yet one that is imperative to undertake as soon as the opportunity presents itself. The Lair is a tougher structure than the Hatchery from whence it came, and it contains the data necessary for your Drones to morph into the very important Queen's Nest and Spire structures. Further, the Lair makes available three different evolutionary enhancements for your Overlords. Pneumatized Carapace makes them faster, Antennae increase their field of vision, and Ventral Sacs let them function as transports. The former two upgrades turn Overlords into effective scouts.

Hit Points
Time to Build
150m 100g (plus Hatchery)
Spawning Pool
Special Options   Control provided: 1
  Evolve Burrow 100m 100g Time 80
  Mutate to Hive 200m 150g Time 120 Requires Queen's Nest
  Ventral Sacs 200m 200g Time 200
  Antennae 150m 150g Time 133
  Pneumatized Carapace 150m 150g Time 133

After you add a Queen's Nest to your rapidly growing headquarters, you may elect to mutate your Lair one stage further into a Hive. The Hive is the ultimate stage in Zerg central intelligence. In the interim, while you need a Lair to produce advanced structures like the Queen's Nest, once those are set up, the corresponding Zerg breeds may be hatched from any Larva. Therefore, you require just one Lair, while expansion bases may operate soundly from Hatcheries. Like a Hatchery, a Lair supports a maximum of three Larva at once.

Next: Hive