The Zerg Swarm - Units and Structures
| Strengths: Fast; inexpensive; can injure several opponents with one attack
Weaknesses: Ineffective in smaller quantities |
This amazing creature is somehow capable of space flight, to say nothing of its ability to fight on equal terms against highly advanced Terran and Protoss Starfighters. The Mutalisk is a small, fast beast that is relatively weak, but should you amass a sizeable flock of these leathery-winged attackers, you'll find an all-powerful force under your command.
Hit Points/Size | 120/small | Time to Build | 40 | Cost (minerals/Vespene Gas/control) | 100/100/2 | Weapon/Strength | Glave Wurm 9, then 4, then 1, +1 per upgrade | Armor/Strength | Flier Carapace 0, +1 per upgrade | Special Options | Guardian Aspect 50m 100g |
Mutalisks attack by means of the symbiotic Glave Wurm, a tiny razor-edged creature that the Mutalisk may spit forth at will. The Glave Wurm strikes its target with respectable force, ricochets to the next closest target for half damage, then attacks a third target for fractional injury. The Glave Wurm is equally effective against flying and terrestrial opponents and even structures. Because its attack strikes several targets in turn, the Mutalisk is especially effective in dealing with great numbers of weaker enemies.
Mutalisks may readily crush Terran- or Protoss-equivalent air superiority fighters. Not only are they considerably less expensive to produce, but their small bodies makes them 50 percent more resistant to the damage Terran Wraith and Protoss Scout missiles normally inflict. In great numbers, Mutalisks need only fear area effect attacks like the Protoss High Templar Psionic Storm or an enemy Zerg Defiler's Plague.
Even as Defilers work well against Mutalisks, they are perfectly suited to be used in conjunction with one another. Send fleets of Mutalisks to clean up after a Defiler plagues a group of enemies. Plague rapidly depletes enemy hit points but is never fatal, yet the fractional damage inflicted by the Mutalisk Glave Wurm will be enough to finish off all the plagued opponents easily.
Once you upgrade to a Greater Spire, Mutalisks may willfully commit to a one-way transformation into Guardian aspect. A combination of Mutalisks, long-range Guardian bombers, and a flock of Scourge to help defend the lot of them is utterly lethal to the enemy.
Next: Guardian