Missions Guide
6. Norad II
Your task here is to send a rescue party consisting of two Dropships and Jimmy Raynor to the crash site of Edmund Duke's command ship, the Norad II. Accomplishing this operation is made difficult by the fact that the Zerg have Duke's small party very much surrounded. You must smash your way past a heavily fortified Zerg defense before you can make it to the Norad II.
Begin by moving Marshall Raynor's small force westward. The Zerg lie in ambush, but you should hold them off just fine. You'll find a damaged but otherwise serviceable Terran base past the Zerg. At this point, you'll discover General Duke's location. Quickly deploy the six Marines between the two Bunkers and station the two SCVs within the Bunkers for safety as well. The crashed Norad II will be attacked from high ground and from underground by small droves of Zerg, but between your Bunkers and your three Goliaths, you should hold them off. Use your SCVs in between ambushes to repair your Bunkers and Goliaths or the Norad II itself, if it is endangered. Make certain not to lose any defending units and do not move them to high ground lest they be totally overwhelmed.
|  Find the spot on high ground out of the range of Zerg Spore Colonies and drop Goliaths in to take them out |
Meanwhile, get to work on repairing your base and mining resources. Construct those buildings you don't yet have and reinforce your defenses if necessary. Use your Comsat Station Scanner Sweep to reveal the area around the Norad II and plan your rescue. Use Scanner Sweeps and Vulture Bikes to scout the area near your base and note the additional resources north of your position. You may wish to build an additional Command Center there later on. Deploy Spider Mines on the outskirts of your base to slow any incoming ambushes.
|  Once you've cleared a path of Spore Colonies, send Raynor and two Dropships to the crashed Norad II |
Upgrade infantry and vehicle weapons at your Engineering Bay and Armory, respectively. Begin producing Goliaths and Marines in great numbers and send them forth to eliminate the Zerg presence on low ground north of your base. There is another Zerg base on high ground on the northeast corner of the map, but you needn't attack it. Don't bother wasting money on Wraiths for this mission; there are simply too many Zerg Spore Colonies about to give them any room to work. By now, the area around the Norad II should be revealed to you. Choose a point on the high ground around it outside the range of the Zerg Spore colonies - there is a one such point to the north and one point to the west of the Norad II - and ferry in two to three Dropships' worth of Goliaths to that area. Have the Goliaths eliminate the Sunken Colonies and defending Zerg, then order them to take out the Spore Colonies. Watch out for the Zerg Queen's Ensare ability that will slow your forces down. Once you've destroyed most of the Spore Colonies and all other surrounding defenses, you can safely fly in two Dropships (one carrying Jimmy) to the Norad II. Mission accomplished.
Next: 7. The Trump Card