The Cybrid Campaign:
Mercury & Luna
and Luna, Earth
Mission #7: Starve//Demoralize
You must take out a weapons depot at nav point 001. Then, you must destroy
the convoys in the area. There are four altogether and are pretty easy
to find, close by on the way to nav point 001. A few, however, are heavily
guarded, so again, use concentrated firepower and maneuverability to take
them out. As the fourth convoy is getting hit, a new directive to destroy
a priority convoy from the weapons depot is received, so finish up with
the current convoy quickly and destroy the priority convoy on the far
side of the depot.
Destroy the four, later five, convoys before getting to the depot. |
But watch out for the depot's
defenders, however: two paladins and a myrmidon. After knocking out the
priority convoy, head back to the depot, take out whatever defenders remain,
and destroy the four depot buildings to finish the mission.
Mission #8: Ground//Disrupt
Pack the firepower, you're going hunting. As soon as you enter the mission,
head to the right and destroy the nearby convoy and its gorgon and basilisk
escort. You may not be able to kill them all, but it's somewhat beneficial.
Now head off to nav point 001; don't head directly into the spaceport,
but instead stay on the perimeter and starting blowing away buildings
and defenses from long range. Be on the lookout for roving Imperial patrols.
If you head into the spaceport,
you'll get into a royal fight with ten or so Imperial hercs, which is
not a good idea under any circumstances. Once you manage to wipe out the
herc patrols individually, and you've picked off the starport defenses
from the periphery, you can go in and lay waste to the rest of it.
Next: Cybrid Campaign - Earth