3. Equipment
3.1 The "Buy-Menu"
The Buy-Menu allows you to buy your equipment using the money you get for killing people or accomplishing your mission. It opens through the key you've bound in the menu. Navigating the Buy-Menu can be done either by using the number keys or the mouse. Each number has a corresponding item or sub-menu. In round-based gamemodes you can only buy equipment when you are in a "buying zone". These zones are then located around your startpoint. Your money display turns yellow when you are in a buying zone. In deathmatch equipment can be bought everywhere.
3.2 Weapons
There are four different categories of weapons in Western Quakeł: pistols, rifles, shotguns, and special weapons. You can only carry two pistols, and one rifle, shotgun, or Gatling Gun at the same time.
3.2.1 Pistols
There are three different pistols in Western Quakeł.
Remington 1858 Model
Cost: 15$
Capacity: 6
Damage: Low
Reload: Preloaded cylinders
Rate of Fire: Medium (primary), Fast (secondary)
Primary Fire: Single shot; Akimbo: Fire left pistol
Secondary Fire: Single shot; Faster, but less accurate than primary fire; Akimbo: Fire right pistol
Smith & Wesson Schofield
Cost: 18$
Capacity: 6
Damage: Medium
Reload: 6 Bullets at once
Rate of Fire: Medium (primary), Fast (secondary)
Primary Fire: Single shot; Akimbo: Fire left pistol
Secondary Fire: Single shot; Faster, but less accurate than primary fire; Akimbo: Fire right pistol
Colt Peacemaker
Cost: 22$
Capacity: 6
Damage: High
Reload: Single Bullet
Rate of Fire: Medium (primary), Fast (secondary)
Primary Fire: Single shot; Akimbo: Fire left pistol
Secondary Fire: Single shot; Faster, but less accurate than primary fire; Akimbo: Fire right pistol
Note: To reload pistols in akimbo mode, hold down your reload button and press the fire button of the weapon you want to reload.
3.2.2 Rifles
Winchester 1866 Model
Cost: 25$
Capacity: 12
Damage: Medium
Reload: Single Bullet
Rate of Fire: Medium
Primary Fire: Single shot
Secondary Fire: -
Colt Lightning
Cost: 30$
Capacity: 12
Damage: Medium
Reload: Single Bullet
Rate of Fire: Fast
Primary Fire: Single shot
Secondary Fire: -
Sharps Rifle
Cost: 40$
Capacity: 1
Damage: Very High
Reload: Single Bullet
Rate of Fire: Slow
Primary Fire: Single shot
Secondary Fire: Scope mode, requires attached scope (See 3.3)
3.2.3 Shotguns
Remington 12 Gauge
Cost: 24$
Capacity: 2
Damage: Medium
Reload: 1 or 2 shells
Rate of Fire: Medium
Primary Fire: Single shot
Secondary Fire: Double Shot
Sawed-Off Shotgun
Cost: 27$
Capacity: 2
Damage: High
Reload: 1 or 2 shells
Rate of Fire: Medium
Primary Fire: Single shot
Secondary Fire: Double Shot
Winchester 1897 Model
Cost: 33$
Capacity: 5
Damage: Medium
Reload: Single Shell
Rate of Fire: Fast
Primary Fire: Single shot
Secondary Fire: -
3.2.4 Special Weapons
Bowie Knife
Cost: 8$ (5 knives)
Damage: High
Primary Fire: Slash/throw, depending on in which mode you are
Secondary Fire: If you have more than one knife you can switch between slashs and throw mode
Dynamite Stick
Cost: 10$ (5 sticks)
Damage: Very High
Primary Fire: Throw Dynamite
Secondary Fire: Light Dynamite Stick
Molotov Cocktail
Cost: 10$ (5 bottles)
Damage: Medium
Primary Fire: Throw Molotov Cocktail
Secondary Fire: Light Molotov Cocktail
Gatling Gun
Cost: 53$
Capacity: 25
Damage: Very High
Reload: Whole Magazine
Primary Fire: Shouldered: Build up Gatling Gun; Mounted: Fire
Secondary Fire: Unmount Gatling Gun
Note: To use a mounted Gatling Gun, move behind it, point your crosshair at it, and when your crosshair turns yellow press the "use" key.
3.3 Items
There are three different items in Western Quakeł that can help you in combat.
Boiler Plate:
The boiler plate is a piece of metal that you put on your torso. It offers some protection but only for your torso. You are still vulnerable on other parts of your body. The boiler plate will absorb some damage to your torso completely and then become useless.
Price: 15$
Ammunition Belt:
This is a belt that increases your ammo capacity. It doubles the amount of ammuntion you can carry. An ammo belt comes completely with full ammuntion for all the guns you have when you buy it.
Price: 10$
The scope is a device used for sniping. You can attach a scope only to the Sharps Rifle. If you own a sharps rifle and a scope then just press your "use scope" key (default enter) to attach the scope to the rifle. Now you zoom by pressing the secondary fire button (default right mousebutton) while holding a sharps rifle with scope.
Price: 15$