Inside this hallway you'll see two doors on the left and right walls. Both lead to locker rooms. You need not enter those rooms; instead, just climb a wall and hop onto the catwalk positioned above the floor. Follow the catwalk into another locker room. Inside here, a few humans are roaming around. Jump off the catwalk and terminate them if you wish. If not, continue on the catwalk and through another room. You might need to use your navigation vision through this area. A message will soon announce that you've reached the airlocks. Kill any humans and turn right (from the area you entered the room from) and enter through the airlock doors. You'll first enter Airlock 1, which will be announced over the intercom, and then through Airlock 2, again announced over the intercom system. Through the second airlock, you'll arrive in another small room. Eliminate any Marines or scientists and climb the wall into a new tunnel.
Move along the catwalk through one room and into another. Drop down and move through the door. Head down the hall and you'll enter the first area where you'll see Alien eggs held captive behind a glass window. Move through the only door available in this section, through a tunnel and into a new room. Though there are two doors here, you want to move through the left door (the right door heads back to where you have already explored).
Humans are all over this area, as you are getting close to their transport ship. Use whatever cover you can to avoid enemy fire and eliminate the Marines as soon as you can, using your tail attack. Keep following the rooms and through the doors, eventually witnesses Alien eggs being transported on the left side of the room. Straight ahead, you'll see a column positioned in the center of the room. Climb this column and follow the hall into a room overlooking the transport starship.
Keep moving and a message will
instruct you to break the glass; the glass is located overlooking the
green tinted room. Use your claw or tail attack to bust through the glass.
Hop inside the room and follow the dark tunnel (turn on your navigation
vision if necessary). Continue through the tunnel and you'll find yourself
inside the human starship. Keep moving (observe the eggs on your right)
and the level will end.