Episode IV: Gateway Mission Objective: You've sure caused a lot of havoc up to this point as the Alien creature - but the fun isn't over quite yet. Next you're on board the "Gateway" and it's time to cause the humans a little irritation. Also, you sense a Hive presence here; attempt to locate it. The level begins inside the Gateway hangar. In a few moments, the floor underneath your feet will open; if you sit there too long, you'll become space debris. Climb up a side wall onto a ledge and approach the door. Use your claw or tail strike to break a panel to the right of the door. Move through the opened door. Move into this tunnel and bust a ceiling vent. Head into the vent and through a winding tunnel. Go extremely fast through this tunnel; you'll soon pass a ledge that you could get off on, but some nasty turrets await you there. Instead, keep moving up and head to another grate at the end of the tunnel. Break the grate and you'll land behind the turrets you almost investigated. Disable the turrets.
Return ahead of the turrets and enter the left side room. A control panel sits to the left of the door; you'll need to break the panel so the door will open. Enter a room filled with storage crates. Behind a pile of crates you'll spot a wall vent. Move the crates by using your claw attack, then break the grate and enter another tunnel. You'll enter a large hangar bay with an enormous machine moving cargo in the center. Stay on the wall, head left and enter an opening in the side of the wall. A few Marines will likely greet you. Follow the hallway until you reach two doors. Choose the left door; use your claw attack on the door and it'll open. Crawl up the elevator shaft and spot a wall vent on the side. Bust the grate and enter a room featuring a ladder in its center.