Episode V: Earthbound Mission Objective: Alien eggs are being transported to Earth. Hop on that shuttle and join them! But all is not what it seems. Another nonhuman life form has infiltrated the human base. Investigate this life form and eliminate it if necessary. Several Marines lie straight ahead. Charge them and kill them with a claw or tail strike. Just behind them sits the top of an elevator shaft. Jump down and find the only available exit. Kill any Marines wandering this area. Move forward again until you reach another shaft, this time moving up. As you approach, the elevator will rise and get stuck on some crates. Climb the walls to get around the elevator. Ascend to the top; once there, be careful to avoid the Marine fire above.
Continue down this hall to the far end; you'll find the top of another elevator shaft. Jump down and enter a red-lit room. Break any glass that impedes your progress. A Marine toting a flame thrower will likely be a tough adversary as you enter this area. A computer console lies on the right side of the room; destroy it with a claw or tail attack to open a door at the end of the room. Move through the door, taking out any Marine opposition. Hop down into the recess below and locate two sets of control panels on either side of the underground area. Break all these panels with a tail or claw attack; once completed, a door will open. Move through it. Charge down this tunnel, ignoring the Marines that will hop out from side panels and bust a grate on the left wall at the end of the hall.