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Chapter 4 - Alien Walk-through

Episode III: Ferarco (cont.)

Continue down the corridor, past where the Marine had been stationed. At the end of the hall sits another grate. Break the grate and enter the ventilation system once again. Exit onto the top of a large room. Look over the sides of the walkway to see that the room continues far below. There are a few Marines walking around down there; crawl down the wall to sneak up on the patrolling humans below.

Once you've eliminated the guards, take the only available exit into a room with a few barrels. Watch out for the Marine stationed here (he'll stand behind the barrels). If he happens to fire his weapon when you're close to the barrels, he could take you out in the huge explosion. You can bait him into firing, or you can hug the left wall and dash past. You'll want to take the left exit out of this room. There's a grate here; bust the gate and enter another shaft. Break through a second grate and enter a large room with exits forward and to the right.

Head through the forward exit, which leads to a dimly-lit stairwell. Keep moving past the ladder through another hallway (several Marines and Androids are patrolling this area). Keep moving forward and you'll enter a long hallway. Eventually you'll arrive at a hole in the ceiling (a greenish-lit tunnel). Climb into the tunnel until you reach the top. Head through the only available door (you'll have to break the switch to open the door).

You've entered the bridge of the transport ship. Several enemies reside in this area; use all available cover to take them out before proceeding on. Hop down onto the lower level of this bridge area and find the door opposite the entrance you came through. You'll have to bust a switch to open the door. Inside, you'll find yourself in the ship's command center. Monitors adorn the walls; bust all the monitors with your tail attack to initiate the ship's self-destruct sequence.

Time becomes a problem now. Head back through the bridge, back up to the second level of the area and back to the tunnel you entered from (it's no longer green, but now lit by a red light). Dive down the tunnel and turn right. Climb up the wall and head straight through the corridor. You'll reenter the room that featured two exits (forward and right) where you went forward to reach the bridge. Turn left and head through the only path you haven't explored.

Drop down and terminate any Marines still walking around the area. Look ahead and you'll find the hangar bay with the large shuttlecraft behind a glass panel. Turn right and you'll spot a hatch. The shuttle will approach the docking position and the hatch will eventually open. Hop in the hatch and follow the path into the shuttle, ending the level.

Next: Episode IV