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Chapter 4 - Alien Walk-through

Episode II: Escape

Mission Objective: Human scientists and Marines have begun removing Alien eggs from the lair; the eggs are being placed aboard a starship for investigation and experimentation. Your job is to find a way to board that vessel, terminating Marines and scientists along the way.

The level begins inside an Alien lair, though your environment will be changing shortly. The exit is just ahead of you, so move forward, climb the wall and head through the only tunnel out of the lair. After a few steps, you'll enter a larger room with two columns. Climb the wall up to the top of the column structures and find a recess in the wall; approach this recess and a door will open.

You've now entered human territory and will be greeted accordingly. Inside the first room are a few humans, one carrying a nasty flame thrower. Be careful and use your speed to your advantage. Remember that it only takes a tap of your tail strike to finish them off. If you need health, claw through their fallen bodies for extra life energy.



A few humans are roaming around below, some equipped with pulse rifles. If you need health, you might risk jumping down and using your jaw attack. These humans can be dangerous, so your safest bet is to just keep moving.


Opposite to the entrance you came through will be a tunnel near the top of the room. Find it and enter; crawl through the tunnel finally reaching a catwalk above an office area. Follow the catwalk through another tunnel in the far wall.

Still on the catwalk, you'll arrive in a very similar office room. This time, however, you must get on the floor. Kill any Marines and civilians in the area. Of the two doors in this room, you want the one on the right side (the other leads into the office area you were just in).

  Eliminate the Marine presence here and locate a walkway near the roof. Climb the wall to reach it.

Inside another office area, you'll find more humans to avoid and munch on. Use the consoles and walls as cover against their weaponry. Use your speed to nail them with a claw or tail attack. Climb the walls up to the catwalk and proceed through another tunnel, which will end in a bathroom area. Drop down, kill the inhabitants and move through the door.

Next: Episode II (cont.)