Sentinel Assault Tank
Built by: Factory
Propulsion: Tracked
Speed: Slow
Armor: Heavy
Weapon Hardpoints: Cannon, 2 Mortars
Mortar bikes are nice, but when you're in it for the long haul, the sentinel is a tough nut to crack - two mortars for bombardment and a cannon for the close-in stuff. Because it's tracked, the sentinel is a bit slow and may not make it over some forms of terrain. Though it's a pig to control, it can make a big difference in attacking bases and can hold its own for the most part.
Attila Walker
Built by: Factory
Propulsion: Walking
Speed: Slow
Armor: Heavy
Weapon Hardpoints: 2 Guns, 2 Cannons
The Attila is a solid walking (literally) gun platform that makes a great defensive weapon but needs to work with other smaller, faster units (as its slow speed can be a serious detriment) to be truly effective. On offense you should really know what you're doing before putting the Attila in harm's way, as they can get rather expensive to make as well.
Rattler Turret
Built by: Recycler
Propulsion: Hover
Speed: Slow
Armor: Light
Weapon Hardpoints: 2 Guns
Rattlers make up the ISDF basic idea of a cheap, early-game unit that can be moved and placed with the utmost care to produce an economic and effective defensive system. Tell them where to go, then deploy them to defend positions to the best of their ability.
Griffin Rocket Tank
Built by: Factory
Propulsion: Tracked
Speed: Slow
Armor: Heavy
Weapon Hardpoints: 2 Rockets
You can use the griffin in two ways: to back up your turret defense with some rocket firepower or to move (albeit slowly) with your assault troops. Either way the griffin is a tough cookie with a lot of armor, but it will have a hard time defending itself without other vehicles to help out.
The vehicle guide (cont.)