Mission Two: A Simple S & R


  • Locate the main ISDF base site
  • Stay with Shabayev and follow her orders
Get in the scout, then follow Shabayev. Soon you'll come across some Scion sentries and a builder, next to a newly built jammer. Destroy the jammer and protect the repair truck from the sentries. Now, with the truck following, accompany Shabayev to the builder's destination, killing a few more Scion sentries in the process, as well as the builder.

Once you've dispatched the other Scions at the base, go back to Shabayev as she hops in a constructor, and protect her from attacking Scion sentries as she goes back to the base. Once she builds the power generator, the mission is over.

Mission Three: We Have Hostiles


  • Secure the main base
  • Protect the power generator
  • Do not let hostile forces steal sensitive equipment
Head to the tunnels and kill the Scion hauler trying to move some ISDF equipment. Come back out and go to the relay bunker. Jump out and go inside. Go to the terminal and hit the space bar to access it. Now move around the map until you find Red One's location. Place a nav beacon there ("N" key). Now get back into your scout.

You'll need to destroy the haulers first, then the others. Don't let them get away with ISDF property.
Go back to the location where you destroyed the hauler, because groups of Scions will soon approach - two haulers and two scouts - and attempt to steal the sensitive equipment. Destroy the haulers first, then worry about the scouts. If you find yourself running low on power, you can jump back to the main base and get the repair truck in action (or you can have him tag along beforehand), or you can quickly hop out of the scout and jump in the nearby sabre tank.

Scouts will then attack the main base, so head back, kill them quickly, and head back to the equipment, where the last group of haulers and scouts will try to take the equipment.

Next: ISDF campaign walk-through (cont.)

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