Mission Six: The Wormhole
- Defend the ISDF base
- Prepare your forces to counterattack
You'll need to move around a bit as the entire base comes under attack. Don't depend on any help, although it's there - you'll need to do most of it yourself.
After beating off the Scions, move out with your wingman to the Scion extractor site and wipe it out. Have the constructor build some defenses (and a relay bunker for power). Watch out for incoming Scions. Be sure to make use of the nearby scrap pools to build up your forces close to the base.
A bomber is now available. Use it in conjunction with all of the newly built forces to overwhelm the Scion base west of the scrap pool. Hit the critical buildings first, like the armory, then rush out and mop up.
Mission Seven: Through the Looking Glass
- Establish an ISDF base on Mire
Deploy the recycler, build a scavenger, and put the scavenger on the scrap pool quickly, because the Scions will soon arrive with scouts and sentries. Build a second scavenger and occupy the new pool located near the first.
Start building up your base, making sure to set up your turret defenses and other goodies accordingly (don't forget about power).
Follow up on Shabayev's call, killing the Scions floating nearby. Now jump out and run into the building to end the mission.
ISDF campaign walk-through (cont.)