Team communication is important, as you'll want to be able to coordinate grabbing the flag or defending certain areas if you know where the enemy will be or where he's going. You could concentrate your forces on the enemy base, distracting his units or keeping a flag bearer from coming in to the base. Get all of the players to mass-escort the flag bearer as he captures a flag and brings it back. Or just be content to defend your flag and have only one guy go out and make a run. Distractions can play a big role, and so can the terrain.


  • Canyon: The two flags are located on the north and south side of the map, which is dominated by a series of canyons and valleys with a central hub. It can be quite easy to get lost, and it's a big map to get lost in. The flags are also easily guarded from behind by a mesa that overlooks each clearing.
In Death Valley you can go through the Valley or around the ridges - your choice.
  • Death Valley: Flags are located on the western and eastern ends on a series of plateaus. In the middle is a large valley with pillars. The easy way is to just go down into the valley and back up again, but as you go up the plateaus, you'll be vulnerable. Then again, there is another way - a ridge lines the walls along the sides of the map. It's the long way for sure, but it could be worth a try or two.

  • Giant Fort: The map is north/south oriented, with flags on either end. A river crosses the middle of the map, and each end is dominated by a network of corridors and chambers. Blink or random-teleportation power-ups are available.

  • Pluto: This map is oriented east/west, with the flags on either end. You can take one of the many canyon routes directly to each flag or shoot off big ramps that will take you right to them. There are some smaller one-way routes as well. On this smaller map, there are a lot of different ways of getting to the flag, and you'll have to defend against all of them.

Next: Multiplayer map strategies (cont.)

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