
Deathmatch is all about survival: you versus the world. Staying alive means grabbing power-ups as you need them and killing your opponents whenever you can - preferably when they are the weakest and most vulnerable.

Deathmatches are typically small, brutal affairs that can be very quick and potentially deadly. If you're not familiar with the map or your vehicle, it can be over before you know it. So, not only should you learn the different deathmatch maps, but you should pick a vehicle to play with - one you're really accustomed to - and stick with it. Don't keep switching all the time (unless whoever is running the game has certain vehicle restrictions).

Staying alive also means that to stay stationary is certain death. Keep moving; never sit still. Try unpredictable moves, jump, use terrain to hide yourself, go backwards, and do whatever it takes to stay alive. Learn where the power-ups are in case you have to make a run for them quickly. If your weapons work at long range, fire at long range. Let other players beat up on themselves, then go in for the kill. Be ruthless and crafty, and soon you'll find yourself at the top of the kill lists.

In team deathmatch games your goals are similar, but you have buddies to help you out. Try not to hog kills, but team up with others as much as possible. Ganging up on an opponent means the opponent dies faster, and you can move on to the next opponent at a much faster pace. This increases the kill rate faster than one on one conflicts. It may not seem sporty, but that's war. Also learn to help your teammates in need - not only are you helping a teammate survive, but you're also going to help damage an attacker and maybe put him out of action while he is distracted. Try not to get centered on any one target, but take the opportune ones.


  • Bane: This is a small map dominated by a large ice island in the middle and two smaller ones on the side. The power-ups are located around the edges and at the bridges to the smaller islands. The tunnel on the big island can be a good hiding spot, and the hills along the islands can provide decent but momentary cover if you're being chased.

  • Cube: Think big maze and that's what Cube is like. You start on foot, but vehicles come down on top of the cubes. Jump onto the cubes with your jetpack, then hop into any vehicle that happens to be available. You can then cruise the tops of the cubes or hop into the maze. With plenty of corners and walls, there will be a lot of cover. You can also opt to hop to a corner of the map and try your hand at sniping.

Next: Multiplayer map strategies (cont.)

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