Clear the Path
In France, the Pour Le Merite medal was awarded to commanders who were victorious by disobeying orders. Here's your chance to win the Russian version. Actually, you're not disobeying the letter of the orders you've been given, only the spirit: The commander says, "You must break through the canyon defenses," implying a head-on assault against mines, turrets, and gun towers. In truth, the only thing you need to win this mission is an upgraded tank and the smarts to know there's more than one way to deal with greedy American imperialists.
The area directly to the north of the base is teeming with scouts, turrets, minelayers, and gun towers, so the smart thing to do is not go that way at all. You should instead simply move your contingent of walkers northward a bit, just outside the base, where they can prevent roving scouts or tanks from entering and destroying the recycler. Now order the recycler to create an armory, then upgrade your guns to SP-Stabbers.
Move north out of the natural entrance to your base and take an immediate left. Hug the wall of the ridge that forms a circle around the map, but as you do so you should hit the T key to find the howitzer located in the mountains on your right as you move around counterclockwise. Once you find it, use your jump jets to hop up and take it out - it's a snap.
The only other obstacle between you and smashing the Americans is a ridge sticking out at a 90-degree angle from the aforementioned circular ride - but you're smart so it's no problem. If you hug that circular ridge as tight as you can, you can bypass the gun towers the Americans have built. But if you're hell-bent on destroying it, there's a crease in the ridge from which you can pop off shots at the L-power plant until it's destroyed. You'd be advised to bypass it altogether, but if you have an appetite for destruction, feel free to bring it down.
Next up is an unprotected scrap silo. Smash it if you like, but again it's not necessary. After that, it's smooth sailing until you reach the Nav Point, which is protected by a measly couple of turrets. Take them out (a walk in the park), and you can leisurely savor the destruction of the American Field HQ. Mission complete.