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Screenshots from Act IV

In the Chaos Sanctuary, an assassin uses fire traps against oblivion knights

An assassin talks to Cain

An assassin talks to Tyrael

An assassin uses fire traps against Diablo

Pandemonium Fortress waypoint

A paladin chats with Cain and Tyrael in the Pandemonium Fortress

River of Flame waypoint

A paladin in the River of Flame

Izual in the Plains of Despair

A barbarian in the Outer Steppes

A barbarian in the Pandemonium Fortress

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary

A barbarian in the Outer Steppes

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary

A barbarian in the Outer Steppes

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary battles Diablo

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary battles Diablo

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary battles Diablo

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary battles Diablo

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary battles Diablo

A barbarian at the Hellforge

A barbarian in the River of Flame

A barbarian at the Hellforge

A barbarian encounters Hephasto in the River of Flame

A barbarian in the Outer Steppes

Izual attacks a barbarian in the Plains of Despair

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary

In the River of Flame, a barbarian battles a pitlord

A barbarian in the Outer Steppes

A barbarian in the River of Flame

A barbarian in the River of Flame

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary

A barbarian in the Chaos Sanctuary

A barbarian in the Outer Steppes

A barbarian in the Outer Steppes

An amazon and a sorceress shatter Mephisto's Soulstone on the Hellforge

An amazon and a sorceress shatter Mephisto's Soulstone on the Hellforge

An amazon and a sorceress shatter Mephisto's Soulstone on the Hellforge

A portal shrine in the River of Flame

A sorceress in the River of Flame

A sorceress in the River of Flame

A sorceress in the River of Flame

HAHAHA! Diablos down! (level 28 Barabarian Sir Asylum)

A portal shrine in the Plains of Despair

Diablo's incredibly deadly fire spell

An amazon using guided arrow against Diablo

Mind Ripper the Grim battles in the River of Flame

A sorceress in the Outer Steppes

Diablo fires electricity at me!!!! oh that tickles!!

A paladin with super-cool armour

A heroic Barbarian sends Diablo recoiling as he faces death.

Me running from Diablo's lightning

Diablo seems to be suffering a little bit of heart burn!

I'm the sorceress in the very middle. Taken During Battle.Net Game to kill Diablo in Nightmare Difficulty.

Guardian Tivation stands her ground against the dark lord himself

Diablo is going to Die!

Diablo's spirit leaving his body.

Diablo bites the big one...

This is where I defeat Diablo in Hell ( players 8 )

A barbarian takes on the big man.

Just a sweet, classic screenshot of a Necromancer with his old mercenary, Theodoric.

Hadriel, one of three angels you can meet in the game.

Blood golem covers the town!!!!!!!!!!FIrst scene

Blood golem covers the town scene 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Izual takes a long time to wear down, but my Druid can handle him.

Not even the mighty Izual can stand up to the powers of my fearsome Druid.

I went too Halbu for trade in act 4 and found a Goly Corona for sale... Nice

Isn't mine, but very funny!

Diablo about to shoot Flames at a noble Paladin

A Druid pondering about life in front of the fire

A mean bear with wings. Better watch out Diablo!

A Paladen and Barbarian ready for battle.

Diablo mergin with a town portal! Or is he emerging from it?

A Bad Day For Diablo

Wow What a mess!!!Me and my friend Bopal made some soup in hell!

The battle has begun

My Barbarian ready to tackle the River of Flame!

Assassin have kicked Diablos ass...

Mad Diablo wants to kill druid whos in werewolf form...

Diablo got f**ked..

Assassin have kicked Diablos ass

Furious Diablo wants to kill druid whos in werewolf form...

Druid owns Diablo...

Dying Diablo..

Izual's death

Barbarian killing Diablo!

Is it the end of the world?....Is it the beginning of the end?.....Could it be that Diablo's maid doesn't do cliffs????

My Army of Darkness with Might Aura in Diablo Pentagram

Just two necros havin fun in heavens last bastion before the gate of hell!

d2 bug in sanctuary of chaos

What the heck ? Iratha's collar Shield ? Got Helm and Gauntlets called Iratha's collar also on same character !


A crappy guy trying to fight diablo. (cecil_thegreat)

Owning D with orb

i like this 1 nice shadows :P

Diablo killed.....bye a group of noobs(not including me)

My godly attack rating Muhahaha

am i using inferno or an i getting fried by 1

using blizard in river of flame

using frozen orb by da helforge w/palidin using fist of da heavens

frozen orb w holy bolts looks kinda cool


I wish i had wings like that! on second thought I look good enough!!

my gr8 damage on lvl 29!

Die Diablo !!!!!

"Beautiful Soul"

Izual in Pandemonium Fortress !!

Heres a perfectly timed Diablo kill shot

Oh the irony of it all...

Assassin Jessi has a talk about possible renovations to Diablo's sanctuary. Diablo howls in pain as he dies.

Aahh..."What's that smell?"

Diablo You Die NOW!!!

Raiding diablos stronghold....i swear we had more men than he had...3 necros with 20 guys each wow thats a lot

Bone Fetish from the Delirum runeword

Diablo lights anyone?

spatz and bill are in the pandamoniam fortress.

Me and The Dark Lord dying together

I am the new Diablo!

Butchery (by Sauron)

too many skeletoon-LoL

my gang is back

Hot flames!

Wow, look at all of my Annihilus Small Charms!

barb + valk + u =good team

River of Flame

River of Flame

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Last modified: July 9, 2009

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