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Screenshots-Act 1  |   Screenshots-Act 2  |   Screenshots-Act 3
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Screenshots from Act V

A development shot, showing an amazon standing in front of the gate used to exit Harrogath

An amazon in the Frozen Tundra

An amazon in the Frozen Tundra

An assassin visits Fara in Lut Gholein

An assassin in the Arreat Plateau

An assassin encounters a frenzied minion in the Frozen Tundra

Assassin in Harrogath

Assassin in Harrogath

Assassin in Harrogath

Assassin in Harrogath

A druid in Harrogath

A druid uses a waypoint

In the Frigid Highlands, a sorceress uses inferno

Rescuing Anya

Rescuing Anya

Rescuing Anya

In the Frigid Highlands, a druid uses armageddon and his wolves

An assassin in Harrogath

An assassin in Harrogath

In the Bloody Foothills, an assassin meets some enslaved

An assassin gets hit with poison in the Bloody Foothills

An assassin setting lightning traps

In the Bloody Foothills, an assassin meets some enslaved

A druid in the ice caves uses armageddon against a snow drifter

An assassin uses her skills to take out a catapult.

A druid in the Frigid Highlands uses armageddon

In the Chaos Sanctuary, a druid uses hurricane against blood lords

A druid visits Abaddon

In Abaddon, blood lords and demon imps attacked by hurricane

A druid uses his wolves against enslaved

A druid uses his wolves against enslaved

A druid uses his wolves and bear against enslaved

A catapult used against a druid

A druid using molten boulder in the Bloody Foothills

what a shot!

Crush Beasts attack a druid

Gut Crow attacks a druid

A necromancer and his summoned visit Harrogath

A necromancer and his summoned visit Harrogath

A necromancer and his summoned visit Harrogath

A necromancer and his summoned visit Harrogath

A druid in the Crystalline Passage finds frozen creepers

A druid in the Crystalline Passage finds frozen creepers

A druid in the Crystalline Passage finds succubi

A druid in the Crystalline Passage finds succubi

A necromancer visits Larzuk

An assassin in Harrogath

An assassin talks with Nihlathak

An assassin talks with Cain

An assassin talks with Cain

An assassin talks with Cain

An assassin talks with Qual Kehk

An assassin talks with Qual Kehk

An assassin talks with Qual Kehk

An assassin talks with Qual Kehk

An assassin talks with Malah

An assassin talks with Malah

An assassin talks with Malah

An assassin talks with Malah

An assassin talks with Malah

An assassin talks with Malah

An assassin talks with Malah

An assassin talks with Malah

Harrogath waypoint and stash

Harrogath waypoint and stash

An assassin set fire traps in the Bloody Foothills

An assassin set fire traps in the Bloody Foothills

An assassin set fire traps in the Bloody Foothills

In the Crystalline Passage, a druid uses his hurricane against moon lords and succubi

A necromancer chats with Anya

A necromancer visits Nihlathak

A necromancer chats with Anya

A druid prepares to enter the Pit of Achelon

A possessed lasher attacks a druid on the Arreat Plateau

A rescue party in the Frozen River

A rescue party in the Frozen River

A rescue party in the Frozen River

A rescue party in the Frozen River

A rescue party in the Frozen River

A rescue party in the Frozen River

A rescue party in the Frozen River

A rescue party in the Frozen River

Rot walkers in Nihlathak's Temple

Rot walkers in Nihlathak's Temple

Rot walkers in Nihlathak's Temple

Rot walkers in Nihlathak's Temple

Battling Nihlathak in the Halls of Vaught

Battling Nihlathak in the Halls of Vaught

Battling Nihlathak in the Halls of Vaught

Battling Nihlathak in the Halls of Vaught

Battling Nihlathak in the Halls of Vaught

Pindleskin puts up a fight in the Halls of Anguish

A sorceress in the Ancient's Way

A sorceress prepares for the Altar of the Heavens

A sorceress admiring the view from the Arreat Summit

A sorceress admiring the view from the Arreat Summit

A sorceress admiring the view from the Arreat Summit

An amazon and sorceress battle the Ancients at the Altar of the Heavens

An amazon and sorceress battle the Ancients at the Altar of the Heavens

An amazon and sorceress entering the Worldstone Keep

An amazon and sorceress entering the Worldstone Keep

An amazon and sorceress wander thru the Worldstone Keep in search of Baal

An amazon and sorceress in the Worldstone Keep

An amazon and sorceress headed for the Throne of Destruction

An amazon and sorceress at the Throne of Destruction

The Worldstone Chamber with Baal

The Worldstone Chamber with Baal

The Worldstone Chamber with Baal

The Worldstone Chamber with Baal

The Worldstone Chamber with Baal

The Worldstone Chamber with Baal

The Worldstone Chamber with Baal

Tyrael concludes the story

A battle party in the Pit of Acheron

A battle party in the Pit of Acheron

A druid uses hurricane in the Crystalline Passage

A druid uses hurricane and his wolves in Abaddon

A druid uses hurricane and his wolves in Abaddon

A druid uses hurricane and his wolves in Abaddon

A druid uses hurricane and his wolves in Abaddon

A druid uses hurricane and his wolves in Abaddon

Armageddon in Abaddon

Using armageddon against crush beasts and demon imps

Using armageddon against crush beasts and demon imps

Using armageddon against crush beasts and demon imps

On the Arreat Plateau, a druid uses hurricane

On the Arreat Plateau, a druid uses hurricane

In the Glacial Trail, a druid uses hurricane to battle frozen creepers and stygian harlots

In the Glacial Trail, a druid uses hurricane to battle frozen creepers and stygian harlots

In the Glacial Trail, a druid uses hurricane to battle frozen creepers and stygian harlots

In the Glacial Trail, a druid uses hurricane to battle frozen creepers and stygian harlots

In the Glacial Trail, a druid uses hurricane to battle frozen creeper, moon lord, and stygian harlots

In the Glacial Trail, a druid uses hurricane to battle frozen creepers and stygian harlots

Using armageddon against snow drifters

Using armageddon against snow drifters

Using armageddon against snow drifters

Using armageddon against snow drifters

A sorceress prepares to enter Abaddon

A gem shrine in the Bloody Foothills

The waypoint in Harrogath

A sorceress in the Crystalline Passage

An experience shrine in the Bloody Foothills


A skill shrine in the Bloody Foothills

A sorceress defeats Shenk

In Abaddon, a druid and his bear prepare for battle

In Harrogath, a battle party encounters a problem with the Horadric Staff...

this is how you beat act5. finish the act in 15 min :) (normal-around lv 24)

A Necromancer encounters Baal!

Burning battle !

diee baal the world hates u go to ur hell harun:)

Diablo dying

Baal doesn't like meteors...

lots of Resistance cast scrolls on the Harrogath's main floor...

If only Baal didn't have that last beer!

this is a pic of an ancients drop

Baal is his best post - DYING!

Slayer Saruki and Barbarian, SadistPigKiller after besting the Guardian Barbarians on Arreat Summit.

Nihlathak's Ending by Ranger_Dan (Hell)

A True Fanatic Ranger_Dan slaying Ventar & his Crew

I think I'm being too good to my merc!

Resurrecting my stupid merc .... again!

Puking out his Guts!

Hero Screenshot!


A Necromancer And His Summoned Go Looking For Baal.

I couldnt go throught the red portal when in Hell!

Another PIC of Baal dying...

Poison Nova in the Foothills

Nice teamwork

Just me...

What a mess!!!

Its sunday morning and me and my friend Lief are going to "play" with Baals minions

Barbarian and his brothers...

Asking friend out..

I look cool dont I

A druid (werebear) looking over the neighbourhood of Harrogath

Baalkillers Clan De_landau in action

ANother one of those Baalkillers Clan members at it again

Terror curse

I'm completing Nightmare difficulty with my lvl 49 barb

damn maxican food, bad for my belly

My Army VS. The Overseers(On My Way)


Who needs a pally? wel... at least i dont...

wtf where am i :S

Aftermath of Baal's Death! Yuck!

Mighty Druid standing by his volcano as it erupts molten death.

Azure barbarian glances over a frozen plateau

Here i go using a dragon tail kick, its very affective

Amazon with casting lvl. 18 Confuse on Hit

Buriza-Do Weapon made elite in cube, socketed with Rainbow Cold Jewel. By Far the Best Weapon.

thats alot of dead oblivion knights

Talk about some strange durability!


I took over baal's body!

Not bad drop im only have 32 in mf, the ring is dwarf star

What's the problem monsters, can't you move against a hurricane!?

This is the best gossip ever!!!!!

Part 2 of the best gossip ever!!!

this is why i don't like bone wall that much....

This is becoming HIGHLY annoying

This is where i REALLY snap!!!!

Ever since i started using boe spirit my frinds think i'ma pk... I'm so alone now... :(

My Paly and a Necro bring it to Nihlathak

The end for Nihlathak!

My Paly and a Necro start Nihlathak's last stand...

My Pal and the Necro's "army" Finish Nihlathak...

i love it

Why Didn't He Fall In?

Why Diddn't He Fall In?

A beautiful site overlooking the lands of Harrogath

My 49 Necromancer TheSphereHunter

Barbarian Kanor prepares to battle the Ancients!

Ha sucks to be her

Ha sucks to be that girl

My single-player barbarian in the Worldstone Keep. Notice the "unique" layout of the map.

Now observe the "unique" map of my single-player sorceress...

Shin's fury sqaushes the minions of baal like mere insects.

3 barbarian soldiers lost in the bloody foothills, in the corner of the map.

aldur's (17 lifesteal) + 10 lifesteal from armor = 27 lifesteal

resist amulet

The lvl 91 Sorc asked me to duel at lvl 33...

Two Druids and an Assasin take on the ancients

Taking a few breaths and a look arround after beating the Ancients

Come on fatie! we got work to do!

but I've only put 1 point into each skill except for raise skeleton

me and baal watching our minions fight

Die Tyrael!

nice war!

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Last modified: July 9, 2009

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