[Dungeon Keeper 2 Main Page] [Phil's Dungeon Keeper (1) Page] Seems that almost every game published these days has built-in cheat codes... While I don't condone cheating myself, I realize that many people do. So, as a service, I give you these cheats To activate the cheats, Hit CTRL + ALT + C. You should
hear an imp teleport sound. Then type one of the following: Select Level I'm not really sure this qualifies as a cheat, but you can go to any level by
starting the game using the command line: level1 Sacrificial "Recipes": Now, I don't really consider these "recipes" to be cheats at all, but I figure I'll put this information here until I come up with another page to include them on. 2 Warlocks = 1 Goblin 2 Wizards = 1 Bile Demon 2 Trolls = 1 Warlock 2 Goblins = Gold 2 Dark Elves = 1 Troll 2 Skeletons = 1 Dark Elf 2 Mistresses = Punishment 2 Salamanders = 1 Mistress 1 Salamanders and 1 Dark Elf = 1 Mistress 2 Bile Demons = 1 Rogue 2 Vampires = 1 Bile Demon 2 Rogues = 1 Salamander 2 Black Knights = 1 Vampire 2 Dark Angels = Gold 2 Imps = Cheap Imp Spell 2 Fireflies = Gold 1 Skeleton and 1 Troll = 1 Bile Demon 3 Monks = Mana Boost 1 Bile Demon, 1 Warlock, and 1 Dark Elf = Some extra Imps 2 dwarves amd 1 Dark Mistress = Make Safe |