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Here is a list of the new creatures that are in the game.

One of your new minions

  • Fallen Angel - Think of it as a 'lesser' Horned Reaper with disillusions of Grenadier.  The Fallen angel can conjure up skeletal hordes.  Not that he needs them, mind you. They're just part of his image.
  • Firefly - Has no offensive capacity to speak of, these insects are fast enough to avoid most trouble.  These Wanderers make great scouts.  And they carry their own light.  Very Handy indeed.
  • Black Knight - As you might expect, these guys come heavily armored to take a licking in battle.  They hate all that is good, and are handy with a sword. 
  • Rogue - the sneaky sort, he will never attack directly unless he has no choice.   He can disguise himself as an enemy.   You're well advised to lock up the good silver whenever he's around.
  • [DROPPED from Final game] Maiden (of the nest) - A Woman's upper body attached to a spider body.  In Nick Goldworthy's word: "Freaky, I know, but she looks awesome."
  • Dark Elf - Handy with a bow, and can move quickly.  They are well adapted to live underground and have a keen eye.
  • Salamander - This lizard-like create has a thing for fire.  His immunity to lava will come in very handy.
  • Goblin - Almost as worthless in a fight as an imp --- almost.  While they're good at any one task, they are very eager.  They rely on weight of numbers in combat. (This paints a "Dogpile on the Hero" image in my mind...)

Here is a list of the creatures that are coming back for an encore.

 Horny doing what he does best (Getting Mad)

  • Horned Reaper - Big surprise here.  In DK2, he plays a  more central role in the story line.  Near the end of each level, he'll appear to collect a portal gem from the Lord of the Land.  He is the only creature that can collect these gems.   When he gets enough of these, He'll be able to open a portal to the surface world.  (which is his ultimate goal)  The Horned Reaper has an overpowering hatred for Chickens.
  • Dark Mistress - Not a big surprise here either.  I would have been heartbroken if she didn't make a comeback.  She's looking better than ever.  The Dark Mistress loves combat, and will throw herself into a battle even if the odds are overwhelmingly against her.  She loves pain THAT much...
  • Bile Demon - Still Big, Still smelly, still effective in combat.  Bile Demons can pick up and toss Imps (at the enemy, I assume).  Their strength, (both in muscle and stench) make them excellent fighters.  They're not bad in the workshop either.
  • Imp - No dungeon would be complete without some boot-licking lackeys.   Imps are created entirely my magic, and cost mana to maintain them.  They never get unhappy, and will gladly perform any task you ask them to do.
  • Skeleton - Well, they're not too bright, but they don't get hungry or bored, and they don't ask for a paycheck.   Also, in battle, they're not the most durable of monsters. But they make great guards.   Can be conjured up by a Fallen Angel.
  • Troll - Not great in combat, but adept in the workshop, these brutes will come in handy for cranking out those handy doors and traps.
  • Vampire - The blood-suckers are back, this time with a few twists.  They have to ability to hypnotize foes if you possess them.  Vampires fear monks, as monks do double damage to all undead, and monks can permanently kill vampires.    Sources say they can research with the best of them.
  • Warlock - Drawn by the smell of arcane magic, these moody minions will be a great help in your library.  They crave both knowledge and gold, and will ally themselves with any Keeper willing to provide plenty of both.

And finally, here's a list of creatures that were in the original game, but won't re-appear the DK2:

  • Beetle - No great loss here.  Once you get beyond the first few levels of the game, I found Beetles to be just about worthless.
  • Demon Spawn - I'll miss that little toady.  They were one of the best ranged fighters you could get on the first few levels.  And their transformation into Dragons after they reached Level-10 was a real plus.
  • Dragon - I hope someone makes an add-on for this one.  The dragon was certainly the most impressive of your minions from DK1.
  • Orc - Another Creature that will be sorely missed.  I found the Orc to be invaluable for melee combat.
  • Spider - The only insect-like minion worth a darn, which isn't saying much.   I, for one, won't miss it too much.
  • Tentacle - No Great loss here either.  I never really found a good use for Tentacles.  But, if you're forced to use them, their freeze attack was rather handy.