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Here is a list of the new traps that are in the game:
- Barricade - This will stop invading heroes for a short time,
and allows your long-range fighters to wear them down a bit. Note that
once a barricade has been set up, no one, not even your own creatures, can
travel through it.
- Fear Trap - This trip, which resembles a hanging
cage with the remains of a comrade, emits powerful images of
pain and death. Any creature that triggers one of these things will
back away to collect itself. Skeletons, which have no fear, are not
effected by fear traps.
- Fireburst - This expensive trap, when triggered, sends out a
powerful burst of magical enemy over a wide radius. Any creature caught in the blast
radius will be in a world of hurt. (From what I've heard, this sounds like a
more powerful version of the Word of Power" trap.)
- Freeze Trap - Provides a Frosty reminder to those pesky
Heroes that they're definitely not welcome in these parts..
- Jack-in-the-Box Trap - Slated to be included in the 1.7 Update
patch. This nifty little trap should send the enemy imps scurrying
away in search of a change of pants....
- Sentry Trap - An automated cannon that fires bolts of magical
energy at invaders. This trap can be used as an inexpensive Guard Post.
This traps is powered by mana, so it won't fire if your mana runs low.
- Spike Trap - One of my personal
favorites, This
nasty little surprise will provide some extra ventilation in the armor of unsuspecting
- Trigger Trap - This trap can be used to set off a series of
traps in a chain reaction.
And here are the traps that were also in the original Dungeon Keeper.
- Alarm Trap - When triggered by enemy creatures, this little
number will alert your nearby minions to their presence.
- Boulder Trap - This is a less-powerful version of the trap
found in the original Dungeon Keeper. When placed correctly in long
corridors, it can mow down quite a few enemies. While it isn't the
"Platoon stopper" from the original, it's still a very useful
- Gas Trap - And you thought the Bile Demons smelled
bad. AT least gas traps don't move around on their
own. For any creature not immune to poison gas, this trap does normal damage.
- Lightning Trap - Sends a bolt of electricity to any enemy
creatures in range. Just like dropping the hair-dryer in the bathtub,
it holds a special surprise for any enemies standing in water. (i.e.:
Double Damage)