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Archived News:

  • 28-Oct-99 - Release of Multiplayer Demo of DK2.  It's true.  The Multiplayer Demo of DK2 has been released.  At 45MB, it's not a download for the faint of heart, but it's worth the time.  Since it's multiplayer only, You'll need a friend to beat up on also.  Hop on over to DarkSword for the latest list of mirror sites.
    (Still no word on the 1.60 patch, but it should be soon...)
  • 11-Sep-99 - The DK development team has put up a new "Official Dungeon Keeper" site.  This is so cool.  The site is maintained by Bullfrog, and has information about DK1, DK2, and a snippet on DK3.  The original DK1 site has been resurrected here, so if you'd like to see official info about DK1, be sure to check it out.
  • 24-Aug-99 - Another patch has been released.  Seems that the original 1.50 patch got released missing three item creation graphics.  The new 1.51 patch simply adds those missing files.  If you haven't downloaded the 1q.50 patch, you'll need to do so before you can use this patch.  
  • 21-Aug-99 - Bullfrog has released the DK2 update patch!  Installing it will bring your copy of DK2 to version 1.50.  It's about 11.8 meg in size, and it will affect your saved games.  This patch is only for the US and UK versions of the game.  For a current list of mirrors for this file, hop on over to DarkSword.
  • 20-Aug-99 - completed brief descriptions for all the rooms.
  • 11-Aug-99 - Modified the Rooms page to include a list of all the rooms, not just the new ones.
  • 31-Jul-99 - Added a page with cheat codes and other information
  • 26-Jul-99- Added a basic Strategy page.  There isn't a lot there yet, but I'll add more as I get time.
  • 15-Jul-99 - Eric Eckstein over at UGO sends word of another DK2 review being put up.  This one seems somewhat on the negative side, unlike another positive reviews I've seen lately.  Go judge for yourself  at the link above.
  • 11-Jul-99 - Now that I've had a chance to play the game for about a week and a half, I'll start reworking this site to contain more information.  (Sorry, for the lack of updates, BTW.  I'll be better, I promise...)
  • 28-Jun-99 - Word from all over that DK2 is out in US stores.  I've seen it EB and Best Buy Myself.
  • 25-Jun-99 - Word from the folks over at DarkSword that DK2 has been spotted on store shelves in the UK.   No sightings in the States so far, but the Official Dungeon Keeper Website has been updated saying the game should be available on June 28th!   Call your favorite Software store to see if they have it yet. 
    (And no, I don't have it yet either!   :(  )
  • 17-Jun-99 - The Official Dungeon Keeper Website has been updated and has some new Windows Wallpaper and MP3 files for your pleasure.  Go check them out.  (I love the Mistress Wallpaper BTW...)
  • 14-Jun-99 - Electronic Arts has confirmed that Dungeon Keeper 2 has gone "Gold".  Now it will go off for duplication, which should take about two weeks.  Looks like We'll all be playing DK2 around the First of July!  Head on over to DarkSword for the latest news,
  • 09-Jun-99 - Saw on  DarkSword, that David Arnor posted another DK2 update!  Bullfrog has declared the game "Final", which means it goes off to EA for about  a week of  testing by a fresh group of testers.  If all goes well, then it will "go gold", and be sent off for duplication!  (Isn't it great to have a game company that actually let's their fans know what's going on?   ...)   This is super news.  Head on over to Darksword's Forum for all the juicy details.
  • 09-Jun-99 - I also heard at DarkSword, that the level editor will not ship with the game, as originally thought.  Seems that Bullfrog still has some loose end to deal with.  I, for one, am happy that they're not going to delay the game's release to work on the editor.  I'll be busy for days playing the game, so I won't miss the editor right away anyway.  I just wonder how we're going to get it then...
  • 07-Jun-99 - Added system specs to the "features" page.   Also added a new page for Doors.    Added notes about gaining experience to the Features and Rooms pages.
  • 05-Jun-99 - I heard over at DarkSword, that David Arnor posted an update on the Release date for DK2!  Seems that Bullfrog is in the "Home Stretch", and the an End-of-June ship date looks very likely at this point.   This is super news.  Head on over to Darksword's Forum for the details.