Below is a list of the inventory items that will randomly drop from monsters that are killed.
Health Pack
Use: Restores 50 health when used.
Icon: Blue Health cross.
Use: Restores 5 health when used.
Icon: Small red Health cross.
Use: When activated, gives the player a blue-tinted view and shows the health of each monster by using differently-coloured icons. Green denotes very healthy, yellow means they are near half-health, and red means they are almost dead.
Icon: Large black circle with outline.
Ammo Box
Use: When used, maxes out a player's ammo for every weapon.
Icon: Sniper rifle ammo box.
UDamage Pack
Use: Gives the player 180 seconds of UDamage.
Icon: UDamage icon.
Pergrandis Boots
Use: Doubles the size of the player, increases speed and allows for a maximum health of 900.
Icon: Green-tinted Powercore.
Suicide Orb
Use: Causes the player to explode, taking out any monsters in the nearby vicinity. Every other player on the team will receive a 500 health bonus.
Icon: Explosion sprite.
Use: Teleports the player to a random player start point. Good for escaping trouble.
Icon: Translocator.
Use: Emits an explosion next to every monster currently on the map, often killing them. Note that damage is also done to nearby players, so use with care.
Icon: ONS Grenade.
Deployable Barrier
Use: Deploys a possessable steel crate that can be used to block doorways or fortify defences.
Icon: Blue-tinted shield.
Deployable Missile
Use: Deploys a possessable missile that can be "thrown" (fired) at monsters. Upon explosion, it does devastating damage.
Icon: Blue-tinted grenade.