
Fraghouse Invasion v5 Manual

What's new in FHIv5?

What's new in FHIv5


Major coding improvements over previous versions. Improved AI, server improvements (uses far fewer resources), general optimisations. The Epic Turret crash bug has been averted (it no longer crashes dedicated servers).


Apparently to some, Fraghouse Invasion is about picking up a weapon, standing in one place and holding down fire until you win the game. There's nothing to stop players doing this, of course, but the above should be rephrased to "standing in one place and holding down fire until you are ripped apart."


There are a variety of new maps for FHI as well as the return of some classic maps. Overall there has been a refinement to the map choices. Scripts in the maps have been altered to fix server issues, and bugs/exploits discovered from previous versions have been corrected.


Not quite Karma physics, but the Hammer is now a "possession tool". When selected, any objects that can be picked up by the Hammer are highlighted. This new feature can be used extensively on several maps to build fortifications and other structures.

Movement system

Firstly, no more translocators. Secondly, the player is granted a wider range of acrobatic skills. There is the ability to dodge constantly from wall to wall, allowing quick movement across a map, as well as being able to stand on top of other players to form ladders. Of note, however, are the new "climbing gloves" (you will need to bind a key in the controls menu) - when the allocated key is held down next to a flat wall or surface, the player will grip onto it. When the key is let go, the player will boost upwards, but will also be allowed very swift movement through the air in any direction.


FHI enters the High Definition age with its own custom bloom (adapted from the original Wiki version) used on several maps where appropriate. Blooming great! (Sorry). This feature can be turned on/off in the "Player" menu.

Reworked Inventory System

The EXP system has been replaced - No longer will you gain points by killing monsters. Instead, monsters will randomly drop special pickups. These pickups include health packs, suicide orbs, "pergrandis" boots, spectrometer goggles and teleporters. In terms of key bindings, the stock Inventory keys found in the controls menu will be bound by default (left bracket, right bracket and enter).

Last-second-save item system

Thanks to Da Wrecka for this little ditty. This feature kicks in when you have health packs/bandages or teleporters existing in your inventory. If you are injured and brought down to 0 health, if you have health packs or bandages, they will be used, thus saving you from death. Similarly, if you fall from a great height, if you possess a teleporter, it will be used to bring you back to safety.

Improved HUD

The new HUD is much more visually active: the team bonus feature is represented graphically, as are in the inventory items in the top right corner.

Health regeneration

As a way to promote teamplay, when players are grouped together, they are awarded a "team bonus rating". For every teammate that is in the small radius of the group, players will regenerate 5 health. So if three players are grouped together, each of them will receive 15 health every 2 seconds.

Reworked Weapons

Typically, the main weapon set in each map will now be the uWM variants (those that Radiosity designed). The other weapons, such as the Riot Shotgun, Flamethrower, Kalashi, Yichus, and Toyomoto Cannon will be designated as special weapons that are not always readily available. Players will have to hunt around maps to find them (often in secret areas).


FHI now has a much richer range of sounds, partly thanks to Parser's acquisition of a decent microphone! In general, each monster will now have its own signature sounds (some of which can be fairly disgusting), allowing for a more colourful palette of noise during combat.


A couple of inventory items that you pick up can be "deployed" as possessable items: the barrier and the missile. The barrier can be placed wherever the player desires, for example to block a doorway or barricade an area. The missile can be fired (primary fire on the Hammer) at enemies and will explode on contact.

More eye candy!

The maps have been graphically improved, which is no doubt already established. When the "Rage" powerup is used, as long as the player has Bloom enabled, a searing red/orange view effect will appear for all of the players, and when the teleporter is used, a blue haze effect will dominate the screen for a split second.